Women aren’t really the complicated creatures they’re stereotyped as, and the things they want from romantic relationships are pretty simple. In fact, men may find it heartening to know that they aren’t difficult to please either.

It’s not about their man’s money, or keeping their man away from other women in the world, or even sex. It’s the simple things like care and attention that really matter to most women.

Every woman is different and there will always be a difference in what they want from their romantic relationships or in the degree to which they want something. It’s more about feelings than anything else.

While there is no instruction manual on dealing with women, there are a few established principles on what makes them happy and keeps loving relationships with them strong. Read on to know more about what women want in a relationship:

1. She wants to feel adored

Love is a basic emotional requirement of every human being, and women need it too. They need to feel loved unconditionally to feel safe and strong as this helps them open up to their partners eventually. Once this happens, the small fights and arguments stop mattering, the sex gets better, and the overall quality of the relationship improves.

The underlying cause of most conflicts in a relationship emanates from a feeling of not feeling loved. When women notice that their partners constantly choose their friends or work over them, they’re most likely to feel like they’re not loved enough. It is, therefore, best to step into the shoes of the women you love and try to understand their perspective.

Men can make their women feel loved by not only expressing it verbally, but also showing it to them through their actions and gestures.

2. She wants to feel empowered

From a young age, a lot of women are taught to be wary of people and places. They’re told what to wear, how to sit, how to behave, and even who to like. Things like these can make anyone feel disempowered and cause them to have low self-confidence. This is why women need to feel safe and be with a partner they can trust.

Women feel good about themselves when they’re with someone who can empower them. They need to know that their partner can take care of them in any situation without judging them. Also, women like to feel certain that their partner will not feel offended or inferior if they’re asked to do something in a particular manner (i.e. in “her way”).

When women feel safe and empowered around their partners, they find it easy to connect with them emotionally and sexually. Relationships grow by leaps and bounds, and damaging experiences from the past can be erased.   

3. She wants to be heard

Sure, you listen to her, but do you hear her?

Women want to be heard so they know that their partners are well and truly aware of their emotional state. This does not mean that they want their partners to be affected by it, they only want to share their feelings with them. If they’re upset about something and their partners fail to pick up on their feelings, this may give rise to trust issues in the relationship.

Women can feel lonely in a relationship if they don’t feel adequately heard. Prudent partners will make it a point to tune in to them, show them that they will always be around to hear them out even though they say nothing, and help them get through the trials and tribulations of life.   

4. She wants to look after you

It’s no secret that men and women are different in that that men have the instinctive need to safeguard and defend, while women are inherently caregivers. Women like it when their partners drop their guard and connect with them on a real level. This is especially so because men tend to keep their emotions from showing, particularly ones associated with weakness. Women like knowing that their partners are comfortable enough around them to reveal their soft side.

It is not always men who need to offer women a strong shoulder to cry on. Women can support men emotionally too. Women are fine with the fact that men are vulnerable to experiencing all sorts of lows too. This vulnerability brings authenticity to the relationship and strengthens it.

5. She wants to feel sexually attractive

One of the things about love relationships that distinguish them from other relationships is that you have sex with your romantic partner. And while sex isn’t the only aspect of a strong relationship, it is an important one. Women have the inherent need to feel sexually attractive and that they have what it takes to turn their partners on.

A lot of women face body confidence issues, wherein they struggle to accept their body as it is. This is particularly true after childbirth, especially after a normal delivery as the vaginal muscles loosen up. Ageing women have these problems too. Thanks to technological innovations, however, women can try non-surgical methods of vaginal rejuvenation, feel better about their body and enjoy sex.

Further, women want their partners to perceive them as both, sensual and sexual beings. This can be achieved by their partners’ words and actions, i.e. when they praise their body, grab them admiringly, and remind them just how sexy they find them.    

6. She wants to feel cherished

Women love praise and appreciation. More is less in this matter. They’re happiest when their partners tell them they love them and appreciate them for being a part of their lives by telling them how much they mean to them.

When women are ignored by their partners, they feel taken for granted, which can drive romance out of any relationship. However, when they feel valued, things can take a turn for the better. It is, therefore, best to tell women that they’re appreciated, and tell them this often.   

7. She wants to know you’ll always be there for her

Life isn’t a bed of roses, and women want to know if their partners will withstand the tough times by their side or get overwhelmed and run for the hills to hide, thereby gauging whether or not they can rely on their partners.

Trust is the key factor here. People trust others only when they follow up on and do the things they said they’d do. This applies to women in romantic relationships as well. In all probability, they will never trust partners whose actions and words are inconsistent with each other.

So, what is it that women look for in romantic relationships? We hope this post will make it amply clear that women don’t want perfect men, but normal men who try to do their best and be their best possible version. They want someone who cares enough to include them in their everyday life. Women are well aware of the fact that the quintessential fairytale-inspired knights in shining armours don’t really exist, but sensible, sensitive and caring men do; and that’s the kind of partner they really want. The above points should help men take the guesswork out of decoding women and their desires. If you’re a man reading them and taking notes, you can thank me later!

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Author: Sandy Funches

Sandy Funches is a freelance writer who enjoys writing. Writing is of utmost importance to her as doing so helps her educate people by spreading her knowledge of women’s health, sex & relationship, and vaginal rejuvenation topics.

Main image credit: unsplash.com