According to National Sleep Foundation, about 90 million adults in America snore, out of which 37 million people snore regularly.

Though it is a common phenomenon with both men and women, people who are overweight are more prone to it. Snoring doesn’t just create a disturbance for your partner, but it can also be a matter of emotional stress if continued, and not attended to, in the long run.

By making small changes to your diet and everyday lifestyle, you can easily get rid off this habit.

For example, changing your sleep position, practising hygiene, replacing pillows and keeping yourself hydrated go a long way in curbing the problem of snoring.

Another factor that determines sleep quality is your daily diet. Keeping your weight under control is also significant to combat snoring.

Here is a list of some simple dietary patterns that are extremely effective:

1. Avoid dairy products

Dairy products increase scum in the nose, blocking your air passage.

You can substitute your daily glass of milk with soy milk. It is a better alternative to traditional cow milk when it comes to treating snoring and lactose sensitivity.

Nasal passages can bulge, which can lead to increase in snoring. Dairy products trigger an increase in mucus formation, giving rise to respiratory problems too.

2. Eating fish instead of meat

How about including fish in your diet instead of red meat?

It makes a significant difference to your sleep quality by reducing the snore spells. Red meat is loaded with saturated fats which can swell nasal passages.

The formation of arachidonic acid increases and as a result, PG 2 class shoots up. This means that it can lead to inflammation of tissue cells in sinus and throat.

In addition, eating food items like fish, which is a rich source of protein, provides you with essential nutrients, keeping PG 2 levels under control.

3. Drink tea

Tea is a great supplement for soothing you down. It has properties that minimise the formation of mucus and avoid congestion which helps to decrease the activity of snoring.

The water content in tea lets out a steam, which helps to reduce the nasal congestion when we inhale.

When we drink hot tea, the vapours which are released from the herbs can help heavy and irritated nasal passages to relax, by lessening the scum. It thereby promotes better nasal drainage.

The best tea to cut down on snoring is peppermint tea, especially because mint is very effective in reducing congestion.

4. Consume honey and lemon

Honey and lemon is a great combination to include in your diet. Honey is a natural decongestant and has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

A study conducted in 2010 claimed that honey helps to combat infection and relaxes inflamed membranes. It not only helps in treating colds but also sore throats and upper airways.

The best way to consume honey and lemon is by blending them in your tea before going to bed.

Geen tea is the way to go as it is a natural decongestant and is loaded with antioxidants.

5. Include Turmeric

Turmeric is an antiseptic and has anti-inflammatory properties. Poor sleeping posture or deformity in soft tissues present in the throat can restrict the flow of air from the nose due to inflammation and tapered passage for the air.

The focal ingredient found in turmeric is ‘curcumin’ which is an antioxidant and a strong anti-inflammatory agent. It helps to fight off inflammation without posing any side effects and soothing the pain.

6. Opt for mild drinks 

Drinking isn’t as bad as most of us think. The problem lies when we drink alcohol in excessive quantities. Global wine consumption is an interesting index from a health point of view.

Hardcore drinks involving whiskey and spirits can be replaced with beer and wine. These have comparatively low alcoholic content.

Drinking in moderation helps in keeping stress and anxiety at bay, meaning improved sleeping patterns and less chances of snoring and restless nights.

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Author: Jenny Travens

Jenny is a creative blog writer who has many passions and interests. Health and wellness is one area where she likes to contribute as much as she can. She is a regular contributor to top blogs like FindRareWhiskey and others.

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