Popular wisdom demands that if you want to lose some weight or get into shape, then you pick up some cardio. But the benefits of exercise go beyond those that are concerned with the body to include the mind.

Engaging in regular cardio, like high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises can go a long way to improve your emotional stability and the overall well-being of your mind.

But remember: to unlock the full emotional benefits of HIIT cardio, you have to push yourself to yourself to your limit.

Gearing up

To unlock the emotional benefits of a workout, you need to aim for a “flow” state. Flow is when you are so intently focused that time passes without you knowing it. Flow is the state that artists, athletes and high-performance individuals achieve. In other words, it is getting “caught up in the moment.”

For this, you want to minimise interruptions. Drown out the noises of gym-bros with your favourite music. Create and download a playlist so you can keep your phone on flight mode. Bring your favourite water bottle so you can stay hydrated without having to interrupt your workout. And lastly, wear comfortable clothes. BWA apparel (bamboo white ash) is a cool, eco-friendly, multi-purpose fitness fabric that is perfect for workouts.

Once you are properly geared up, you are ready to enjoy the health benefits of an intense workout!

1. Get high off of endorphins – the happy chemical

Are you looking for a legal way to get “high?” Then hit the gym or pound the pavement.

When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins which create positive feelings of happiness and euphoria, similar to that of morphine—but without all the nasty side effects and addiction. This positive feeling, known as “runner’s high,” can be accompanied by an energised and positive outlook on life.

The release of endorphins is the reason why regular exercise has been identified as an effective but underused remedy for mild to moderate clinical depression. And in many cases, it has been identified to be just as effective as anti-depressant pills.

You don’t need to pitch a tent in front of the gym to achieve these great results either; 30 minutes of cardio, 3 to 5 days a week, can significantly boost your overall mood. And it goes deeper than that.

2. Release your stress

Life has a penchant for getting in the way, and when that happens, unwanted stress is the result.

Now, rather than running to the nearest bar as a remedy for your stress, avoid the hangover by reaching for your workout gear and taking up some cardio instead. Working up a sweat has been shown to be effective in reducing physical and mental stress.

One of the several ways this happens is due to the norepinephrine that accumulates during exercise. Norepinephrine is a chemical that can moderate your brain’s response to stress, so being able to boost it will help you deal with stress in a constructive way.

Another significant way in which exercise reduces stress has to do with the fact that exercise works your muscles and relaxes them. Since stress tenses up the muscles of your body, muscle-relaxing activities like cardio which relax the muscles are great antidotes to stress. Because your body and mind are so closely linked, once your body feels great, so too will your mind. Exercise also induces the release of endorphins which can boost your overall mood and inject you with a more positive outlook.

3. Alleviate anxiety

The benefits of regular interval cardio training are amazing for alleviating anxiety.

The endorphins released during cardio can help those who suffer from anxiety disorders to calm down. Regularly exercising through moderate to high-intensity cardio via running or cycling are the best methods to reduce your anxiety.

To get the maximum results, you want to stay focused on the sensations that accompany each exercise, rather than zoning out. For example, note the way the wind blows on your skin, pay attention to the rhythm of your breathing, or notice the sensation of your feet stomping the ground.

In other words, practice being mindful during the cardio exercises, paying attention to your body and how it feels during the exercise—this not only increases and accelerates the physical benefits, it also blocks the flow of anxious thoughts through your mind which helps you relax more.

4. Effective against depression 

Many studies have shown that exercise can be as effective as antidepressants in treating mild to moderate depression, and because this is a natural remedy that leverages processes in the body, there are no chemical side-effects to worry about.

Exercise is so effective against depression for several reasons including promoting neural growth in the brain, reducing inflammation, and activating new activity patterns that promote feelings of calm and well-being. Exercise, as previously mentioned, also causes the release of endorphins in the body which lift the spirit and improve overall mood.

And lastly, exercise can serve as a great distraction, turning your mind away from the negative thoughts that feed your depression. But the benefits don’t end there: in addition to relieving symptoms of depression, studies have shown that keeping up regular exercise is also great at stopping you from relapsing as you go forward—so you don’t want to throw away your cardio equipment and gear. Turn it into a habit and keep exercising.

5. Improve self-confidence

Regular exercise and cardio can lead to increased levels of self-esteem and self-confidence. Let’s face it: when you look good physically, you feel good about it. And this increased sense of self-worth can translate into other areas of your life, leading to an overall increase in well-being. No matter your age, weight, size, or gender, exercise can greatly lift your perception of their attractiveness or self-worth and in turn, improve their overall outlook on life.

Confidence is also your ability to trust in yourself. And confidence begins with the simple things in life. As you become more disciplined and are able to complete workouts and achieve fitness goals, you will increase your psychological self-trust factor. In short, you will become a more confident and stable person.

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Main image credit: unsplash.com