Your workouts are not making you feel healthy enough? Are you sure you really understand fitness? Read on to know tips that really get you fit.

Considering the roles a woman generally has to play throughout her day, it becomes difficult for her to keep a tab on the calorie intake. Women end up being the busier counterpart, and more often than not end up eating what they get on the go.

Women usually feel the need to stay in shape and at the prime of their fitness at all times. They feel they have a social expectation to live up to, and that being slim is the only definition of health.

The problem with women’s health is not entirely fitness but the idea of fitness.

However, science suggests that is not entirely true. Fitness is more of an intrinsic thing. There is a dire need for a smarter lifestyle and healthy choices to make in order to lead a healthy life.

Here are some simple things you would want to keep in mind to ensure good health.

1. Focus on a healthy diet

There is a simple explanation to all diet: regulate your eating and stick to eating as many natural foods as possible. That is eating a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and as few processed foods. Eating whole grains and high-fibre foods and choose leaner cuts of meat, fish and poultry.

In maintaining a healthy diet, consistency is essential. You can diet all you want, but if you don’t keep up with it consistently, then there is no meaning to it. According to this article, up to 50% of women are on a diet at any given time.

Minimising the cheat days helps you keep up with the habit. As you keep ageing, your metabolism slows down and what you eat is what stays with you. So you’ve got to make sure that potentially good things enter your system.

2. Work on a better posture

Working out is a mandate. There absolutely is no excuse to be missing out on it. Resisting exercise and cuddling up in your bed with a warm cupcake is far more tempting always.

But working on a better posture is always important. Your body fat may be at an all-time low. But since your posture is all wrong, you would always find yourself to be out of shape. Working out fixes your posture and contours your body to the right shape.

3. Water your organs

Your body is a vehicle, your organs resemble the engine, and the water is the actual fuel that keeps it going. Staying hydrated is essential. It helps oxidation of your blood, and keeps your organs function at their prime.

When you stay hydrated, you will notice that you don’t get as tired. Water accounts for 60 percent if your body as it is essential to each and every cell alive in your body. Water nourishes your skin, keeps your heart fit, and most importantly, keeps kidney stones away, which can be very painful.

4. Track your progress

When you track your progress, you are in tune with where your fitness is directed. Undirected fitness regimes are as good as none. Women need to maintain a balance of cardio and weight-bearing exercises at least three to five times. Just doing cardio would be no good.

Maintaining a balance between cardio and weight-bearing exercises helps keep osteoporosis, heart diseases, cancer and even diabetes out of the equation. There is an endless array of apps there that can track your progress. You can track your fitness through counting your calories, the number of kilometres you run or walk a day, and various other aspects of working out.

5. Get your hours of beauty sleep

Sleep is often neglected in our daily scope of things to do. We always feel missing out on sleep won’t be that bad. But sleep is one of the most essential aspects of health. Your body needs regular rebooting.

Sleeping for at least seven to nine hours is a must. If you carry out this routine just for five straight days, you will see that the bags under your eyes vanish in no time.

6. Maintain the habits you make

Consistency is the key to fitness. Keeping your habits up is what lead you to actually get something out of it. Reports suggest that consistently keeping up with a habit for 21 days helps concrete it.

Women find keeping up with habits to be the hardest, considering the multifarious role a woman has to play every day, there is no consistent schedule they get to abide by, and hence sticking to habits becomes an issue. But sweeping off the tide and sticking to habits is what would work wonders in maintaining habits, and eventually getting something substantial out of it.

7. Proactively monitor heart health

Given that you are consistent with your diet and exercise regimen, how do you know that you are on the right track to heart health? It makes enormous good sense to suggest that anything that is not measured cannot be managed. Even women with little to zero apparent risk of cardiovascular diseases, stand exposed to a 30 percent lifetime risk.

Thus do not fall for deception. Do not harbour false impressions of being fit and fine only because you have no evidence of being struck down by cardiovascular diseases. How can you tell that your heart is at the peak of its health without measuring heart health metrics? Switch to a proactive culture of monitoring and measuring heart health metrics regularly. Lean on internet things and connected devices like smartwatches and wearable blood pressure monitors to stay updated about your heart health all the time. Spot deviations from normal levels of blood pressure in near real time and do not shy away from seeking medical counsel. Love your heart before loving anything else. You have the right to do so and it is the right thing to do.

8. Maintain a healthy body weight

Fret not over losing your weight. Sometimes, women have really high expectations about weight loss. All it really comes down to is simply maintaining a steady weight, and sticking to it.

Steady weight is a definitive sign of health, and that is what is to be remembered. Not your unachievable ideas of weight loss, but just maintaining a steady weight at all times.

In conclusion

Fitness is more than just weight. All your ideas of fitness you get from Instagram models is incorrect. A slimmer body might be a weaker body, and that is not the goal. Fitness is the goal, and that is what should be the focus.

Women usually mix the idea of fitness with slimness, and correcting that idea is important. Being away from diseases and functioning at your best every day is really what health is all about.

So the next time you think about health and fitness, the aforementioned tips are what you should integrate into your everyday life. Forget your lofty ideas of fitness as they are merely a sham. Real fitness is all about discipline.

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Author: Mila Jones

Mila Jones is a Senior Business Consultant, with rich experience in the domains of technology consulting and strategy, she works with both established technology brands and market entrants to offer research inputs and insights on leveraging technology as a source of strategic competitive advantage. She is a prolific author and shares her expertise with tech enthusiasts on popular digital publishing platforms. She loves not only to write about several topics but also loves to explore new ideas about Lifestyle, Travel blogs and many more.

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