We absolutely, 100% believe that positivity can transform your life for the better. We’ve come to this conclusion from our own experiences, as well as from the the knowledge we’ve attained from others. Positivity is the key to living an empowered life. Once you start practising positivity daily, you’ll start seeing amazing things unfold in your life. We’re so confident that it works, that we’re inviting you to try our 7-Day Positivity Challenge. In only 7 days, we guarantee that you will see uplifting changes in your life, as long as you complete the challenge successfully. There’s a small task you must do every day over the course of a week. You MUST also not moan once, on each of the days. This includes any sort of complaining or negative attitude; it’s all about being positive! If you fail to complete a task on one of the days, then you have to start the challenge all over. It’s all about being consistent within the 7-day period and building up lots of good energy!

Please don’t forget to spread the good vibes by inviting your friends and family to take on the challenge too. There’s a lot more to gain, than to put in!

Author: Vex King

I am the founder and owner of the Bon Vita lifestyle brand. I could give myself a title and call myself a lifestyle entrepreneur, personal mentor, writer, designer, innovator, CEO, or anything else I see as fitting. However no title can define me as an individual. I’m just an optimist, a visionary, a philanthropist and jack of many trades. I’m using my positive influence to redefine the creative industries using Good Vibes Only #GVO so that people can fulfil their dreams, purposefully, and enjoy The Good Life #TGL. My daily words of intent are to make people… Think, look & feel GOOD!

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 Main image credit: wallpaperawesome.com