Mums have so many reasons to be stressed out. Work deadlines, parenting problems, and a lack of help around the house are only a few examples. 70 per cent of mums in the U.S. agree that mothering is “incredibly stressful.”

High expectations

As mothers, we expect so much of ourselves. We are pressured to raise our kids in a certain way, to keep our homes looking great, and to manage everyone’s time and schedules. It’s no wonder that many mothers feel like they are about to snap.

Effects of stress on the family

When a mum is stressed out, everyone in the family feels it. With a stressed and unhappy mother, kids and adults feel the change in the atmosphere in the home. It becomes a place where no one can relax and enjoy life. Here are 7 great ways to combat stress and feel more centered.

1. Listen to your body

You may have a racing heart or feel dizzy from higher blood pressure. You might be irritable and yell more than usual. Take the time to understand your personal signs of stress so you can calm down.

2. Plan for your worst times

Think back on the times you have found yourself stressed out. Make small changes to your routine to combat these moments. For example, if you are stressed when getting kids ready for school in the morning, have them lay out their clothes the night before. Give them more responsibility in the process.

3. Chill out

It’s fine to take short breaks when no one in the family can bother you. Let everyone in the house know that you are going for a “mummy time out.” This is a great way to model stress management for your children.

4. Get some exercise

This is another great thing to model for your children. Exercise is proven to reduce stress by increasing endorphins, the hormone that produces the “runner’s high.” It can also be a valuable time to relax by yourself.

5. Try yoga and meditation

Yoga and meditation are centring activities that reduce stress naturally. The measured, deep breathing of yoga and meditation will lower your heart rate and blood pressure. It’s fun to get kids involved in yoga, too.

6. Be spontaneous

Don’t let yourself be trapped in your routine. Do something spontaneous like attending a party. It’s especially fun to attend a costume party, so throw one or attend one given by a friend. 1920s costumes are awesome to wear to a party.

7. Find your tribe

Mothering can be a lonely business. Take time to spend with your friends and vent about your troubles. It can be especially difficult for mums to make friends once the kids are in school. You can find online support groups or attend a local mothers group.

Use these 7 tips to help reduce stress and enjoy a more relaxed life. You and your kids will benefit.

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Author: Sarah Carter

Head of creative writing workshop and a blogger.

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