Cultivating a positive body image is a struggle for a lot of young women. It does not help when celebrated beauties all appear to be built the same way – they are tall, tight, lean, have flawless skin, and great hair.

Also, society likes to impose its own standards of beauty, and these days, it can often feel like it is neither this nor that – but it certainly isn’t you.

Because of these, it is not uncommon for a lot of people, not just women, to think that there is something wrong with them and that they always fall short of being beautiful. So they strive to diet and workout constantly to at least have one hold on the bar. At times, those efforts are not enough, especially in the eyes of those whose opinions truly matter to them, such as family and other loved ones.

Indeed, it is usually hard to look at yourself and think, “I look absolutely fine.” Not even beautiful; just fine.

The thing is, you do not have to feel this way even if people around you are always telling you that there is something wrong with you because your body does not look a certain way.

Your body is your own, and its purpose is to serve you.

So, what can you do to put an end to the self-deprecating inclination that you have developed due to the impositions of society?

Here’s how you can build a positive body image:

1. Think of your body in terms of health

Most people are willing to sacrifice their health for beauty, but other than looking good in clothes, are there other benefits to this preference?

A healthy body, meanwhile, is capable of “greatness.” It can accomplish tasks easily and does not require help from anybody – in fact, it can provide help to others.

Remember, the world is not all about beauty; it is also about the survival of the fittest. Who do you think will last in a zombie apocalypse? A person who subscribes to a one-meal-a-day diet to stay a size 0, or a person who eats three full meals a day to stay energised?

2. Exercise

Do not exercise merely to look a certain way; rather, do so to discover how much your body can take and how far your body can take you. The discovery of your body’s capabilities is empowering and it will completely alter the way you feel about it.

3. Get styled for your specific body type

Do you know why some women just don’t feel great in clothes? According to stylists from world-renowned talent agencies, it’s because they follow trends instead of identifying which styles truly work for their own body.

Dressing for your own body can make a tremendous difference in how you look and feel. It can announce your presence in a way that’s fabulously your own.

Get the help of a professional stylist if you really want to be fashionable and fantastic without sacrificing your comfort. You will be recommended timeless styles that flatter your body.

4. Stop getting hung up on size

People who are always worried about going up a size are really not doing themselves any favours in the fashion and self-esteem department. What is there to gain in stuffing yourself in clothes that are small for you? It will just alter your body shape and make you uncomfortable.

If you start wearing clothes that are actually the right size, you will find that whatever imperfections you have that you cannot do anything about at the moment are concealed or even smoothed out.

5. List all the advantages your body provides you

Do people tell you that you are too short? Or too tanned? Do people complain about your big hair? Shush all that negativity and take the time to identify the advantages that these qualities of your body provide you.

For example, being short will allow you to fit in comfortably in small spaces. Also, when taking pictures, you are always right in front.

Meanwhile, if you have darker skin, keep in mind that it means you are less prone to skin cancer. You have the generous amount of melanin in your skin to thank for that. Likewise, the years are kinder to people who have darker skin because melanin makes the skin less susceptible to skin damage from the sun.

6. Learn to highlight everything you love about your body

Knowing what is really nice about yourself and playing it up always help in building your confidence in your body. Top makeup artists say that this effort is life-changing for many because it teaches people to redirect their focus on what’s important.

The truth is that when you show other people that you are happy with what you have, they will eventually see things your way or respect you for it. That is the power of selling what you believe.

It is possible to build a positive body image – it is not easy, but it is possible. Succumbing to the often unattainable and unsustainable standards of what a body should look like should not be your path, especially if it makes you miserable.

So, go against the tide – it is a difficult swim, but in the end, you will be happier and prouder of yourself.

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Jessicka Bell

Jessicka Bell co-founded the AgenC, one of the leading model/talent agencies in the Middle East, in 2014. After just three years in the market, the AgenC now works with most (if not all) of the heavy hitters in media and fashion, as well as represents over 1,000 talents ranging from international models through to cast, kids, creative, and photographers.

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