In today’s climate, we’re so overwhelmed and stressed with various work duties, deadlines, pressures to succeed and an overall working culture that values less free time than before. Having a healthy life-work balance has become increasingly difficult, and even though it’s possible to achieve, it’s necessary to invest more effort in order to be allowed to spend more time with your family and friends. So, naturally, stress has become a part of our lives, that many people don’t even pay attention to it unless they start suffering from severe burnout that forces them to quit their jobs and find a better, less stressful solutions.

If you’re dealing with work stress, but for some reason can’t afford to quit, here are some mindful ways that will help you be more balanced and refreshed:

1. Set up some boundaries

Pleasing your boss(es) can be difficult, especially if you’re trying to get a raise or a promotion. But, in order to feel better and more productive at work, you need to learn to say no or at least find a way to navigate all the work responsibilities without feeling overwhelmed. Having boundaries might seem difficult, especially if you don’t know that they exist, but once you learn how to do it assertively, you can win extra respect from others. Accepting every task will just show everyone they can use you the way they please, so instead, make sure to politely say no or delegate the task to other co-workers.

2. Exercise is the remedy

Physical activity is a sure way to help you blow off some steam and get rid of the stress. You don’t need to go to the gym and sweat under fluorescent lights, you can even exercise at your home, or go for a run first thing in the morning. Running is a wonderful activity, that can give you “runner high” once you get used to it. You just need to find a right running gear, such as Rockay, that will help you perform better. If you have a dog, use every opportunity to walk him, as even walking counts as exercise. Callisthenics is also an excellent way to get into shape and spend time outdoors at the same time. Swimming, riding a bicycle, even dancing in your own bedroom — they’re all great ways to move your body and get rid of the stress.

3. Do yoga and/or meditate

Yoga and meditation might seem everywhere, but aside from obvious benefits, the best thing about them is that you can do them whenever you want. Well, for yoga you need a mattress and some privacy, but that means that your own living room will suffice. As for meditation, there are many apps that will help you sort out your breathing and clear your mind. People who are too busy with work need to find a way to get in touch with their emotions and learn how to handle issues calmly, and meditation and yoga can help them a great deal.

4. Read something nice

Stephen King once said “Books are uniquely portable magic”, and that’s true. Reading can help you forget all your daily worries, at least for a bit. And thanks to technology, you can get an e-reader and store as many books as you like. Even if you don’t like reading, you can enjoy listening to audio books, even on your way to work. Just load up your phone and get a quality pair of earphones. Even better, try reading before bed and make that your own little ritual that will help you de-stress and sleep better. You can enjoy any genre you like, from cheesy romance to sci-fi and mystery. And there’s no reason to justify your choices to anyone, you should read for yourself and not others!

5. Treat yourself with something you like

Nowadays treating yourself means spending money you don’t have in order to forget your problems, but if you’re under pressure at work, feel free to buy yourself something nice and small, especially after a hard week. Also, you don’t need to buy things, you can also pay for entertaining and relaxing experiences, such as spa treatments, hairdresser appointments or fancy dinners with your family and friends. Make that your tradition and use at least once per month to completely relax and do anything that makes you happy and fulfilled. Of course, you should stay away from drinking and using drugs, especially since they seem like an easy way out. Instead, drink a glass of quality red wine with your dinner, but remember to do everything in moderation.

6. See a therapist

Some might see it as a last resort, but regular therapy sessions can help you vocalise your issues and finding a way of dealing with them. Talking to a mental health professional can help you improve by recognizing the behavioural patterns that you may haven’t been aware of. Seeing a therapist has been destigmatized for a long time, so there’s no reason to feel bad or ashamed for reaching out for help. Since this year, work stress and burnout have been officially recognized as mental disorders, so feel free to see someone who’ll help you overcome your problems, if you can’t leave your job.

Finally, being employed means a certain degree of stress, but remember that your work should never make you feel depressed and anxious. You should never wake up in tears or go to a toilet to silently cry because you can’t communicate your worries. That type of workplace is toxic and you should find a better place where you respected and valued for your achievements.

Thanks for reading this post. I hope you find it useful. Please feel free to share this post with your friends and family. After all, sharing is caring!

Author: Stella Green Thompson

Stella is a graphic designer and illustrator, a lifestyle and beauty blogger and a food enthusiast. She is very passionate about the environment and her hobbies centre around her love for nature, yoga and living in balance. Stella loves giving tips about healthy lifestyle and self-development. She is a contributor to several health and lifestyle blogs. You can find more about her writing by following her on Twitter.