The person you are now is the product of who you were, who you are, and who you are to become. You are the outcome of years of life-changing experiences toppled with lessons and values. It may not have become the life you wanted, but it was the choices you made that got you there.

At times, you may ponder on the thought of undoing the things that you regret, or linger on the life you once had. However, you must be aware that every choice is made solely by you. There may be instances when you feel like you want to blame others for what life has brought you, and there may be urges to become the person you are not.

Rest assured for you are not alone. You are not alone experiencing the same problem of neglecting being who you are. In this kind of society, wherein, you are moulded and formed into a person fit to pass the standards set by it, you must deviate yourself. You must learn to break free and show who you truly are.

Life’s meaning is such an important thing

Before breaking free with the norms and standards set by the society, you must first be able to understand and know properly, the person you are. Indeed, knowing yourself goes back to the meaning of life you set for yourself. Because knowing the meaning of one’s life leads to knowing oneself; since one must question himself or herself as a person existing and living his or her life.

The way of understanding what it can mean for a life to have a meaning goes back also to the question of human existence. Answering the question of human existence as a broad matter is hard without knowing first the core meaning of one’s life.

As a matter of fact, knowing one’s meaning of life can be one of the keys to understanding the meaning of one’s existence. You might lose your way a few times, might be pulled again by the standards set, but if you do even a tiny step to fight back, you are getting a little closer to becoming who you are.

Few people might not understand the things you want, the kind of men or women’s clothing you wear, the attitude you put on, the values and ideals you impart, but, that doesn’t mean you can’t become the person you are. You just need to step up and not bother what people say because you are who you are.

The struggle of being you

The hard part of deviating and being unique is that people will again, and again try to depict you. People will constantly pull you towards the standards of society, but the choice is yours if you let them. Those people don’t define the person you are. It may be hard to see people go, considering you want to keep those people, but people will come and go.

Nevertheless, the right ones will always stay. The important thing is that you make a difference now and continue the path to becoming who you are. It may be a hard journey, but the reward of attaining a life free from all the hypocritical and judgemental remark is worth the effort.

Step up and free yourself

The very first step you need to do is to stop being a puppet of society. Be unique in your little ways. Show who you are and be true to what you feel or do. Wear that short, skimpy dress you have, dance till you drop, and sing your lungs out. Flaunt all you got and be yourself. Display that inner creativity you have by doing arts, music, fashion, etc. Free yourself from the bounds of social norms, and you will see the freedom you have always wanted.

You define who you are

Next, you must not let others define you again. They may have done it before, but there are no second chances for that. Stick to who you are and stand up for it. If people don’t accept it, let it be. Love the person you are, for you cannot love another if you don’t love yourself. Stay true to yourself and don’t change for other people.

The key is self-development

Moreover, acknowledge, accept and embrace self-growth and development. There is no scarier thing than not wanting to change for the better. Change is one of the constant things in this world. So, you can never stop change. You cannot be the person you want to become if you don’t accept change. Becoming stagnant interferes you to become the person you are.

Moreover, it hinders you to see, explore and find something potentially exciting in you. Embracing self-growth and development helps you reclaim and get a hold of your life again. Self-development allows you to be forward-looking. Instead of waiting for good things to happen, you make a move and make it happen.


Essentially, the meaning of life is what you make of it. You can choose to live a life that has no meaning, but you can also decide to live one that does. The meaning of life will always be based on your perception; not everyone else will agree with you, but that has no impact on how or what you specify is the purpose of your life.

Only the person itself as an individual, who knows how to think, contemplate, and reflect on one’s life can give meaning to his or her life, and the meaning that emanates deep down reflects the totality of the person. Knowing, accepting and understanding such meaning is the key to becoming who you truly are.

A person must never forget to live life fully and not let the norms and standards of society dictate who you are and will be. For one must live life freely beyond boundaries, and strive to attain self-development and growth to become the person he or she wants to be.

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Author: Jenny Park

Jenny Park is a fashion designer by profession and a writer by heart. She writes on behalf of French Connection, a company based in Australia. She spends her vacant time reading about the new and latest fashion craze anywhere in the globe.

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