For those who’ve watched or read The Secret by Rhonda Bryne, you may very well recognise Bob Proctor in the video above. Apart from featuring in The Secret, Bob is a bestselling author, motivational speaker and life coach. He has great expertise in the Law of Attraction and human potential.

In this beautifully composed video, Bob Proctor explains what the Law of Vibration is; a law which is often overlooked in the Law of Attraction arena. Similar to Bob, I believe that the Law of Vibration is actually of more significance than the Law of Attraction itself. Only once you understand this law, can you begin to manifest your desires successfully. I’ve also explained the law and how it fits in with the Law of Attraction in my free eBook.

Once you understand the Law of Vibration, you’ll begin to understand why it’s important to be about Good Vibes Only.

If you know of anyone who would benefit from this video, feel free to share it with them. After all, sharing is caring!

Author: Vex King

I am the founder and owner of the Bon Vita lifestyle brand. I could give myself a title and call myself a lifestyle entrepreneur, personal mentor, writer, designer, innovator, CEO, or anything else I see as fitting. However no title can define me as an individual. I’m just an optimist, a visionary, a philanthropist and jack of many trades. I’m using my positive influence to redefine the creative industries using Good Vibes Only #GVO so that people can fulfil their dreams, purposefully, and enjoy The Good Life #TGL. My daily words of intent are to make people… Think, look & feel GOOD!

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Video and main image credit: Proctor Gallagher Institute