One of the key things to living a positive life is removing negative people out of it. Many will agree with this, but they may find it hard to justify when their loved ones are negative, such as parents. Of course they can’t justify removing loved ones from their life – this is completely understandable! Most of the time, our loved ones have the best intentions for us. They want to see us happy, succeed and see us prosper. But they can also be misled or limited in their views.

Let’s look at an example. Bobby might have an exciting idea about an online business that he wishes to pursue, but needs his parents support on. He decides to tell his parents about it, but to his dismay, their reaction isn’t quite what he hoped for. They ridicule Bobby’s idea and try and talk him out of it; they simply can’t understand how it can be profitable. Instead, they suggest that he stops living in dream-land and focuses on studying and getting the right grades to go to university. Instantly, Bobby feels like they’ve put a downer on his brilliant idea. This isn’t the first time either. Bobby feels like his parents are constantly shutting his aspirations down, and as a result, he perceives them to be quite negative. He can’t shut his parents out of his life because he lives with them, but most importantly he loves them… Although right now he feels like they don’t love him!

Looking at the case above, what Bobby must understand, is that although his parents may come across as negative, it isn’t entirely their fault. Their ideas about what’s feasible in life and what success looks like, is different from his. Their beliefs, which have been developed from experiences and external influences, lead them to think differently. See, the first step is to understand that people are limited in their thinking for certain reasons. When we are born, we know nothing of the world or the people around us; we don’t see things as good or bad, until of course we start gathering information and experiences, and our beliefs start shifting as a result. If like Bobby, no-one in your family has ever seen success by skipping university and starting an online business, the idea of you doing this is completely new to them and may be instantly rejected. People always seem to fear what they can’t understand. Always try and be open with your loved ones; talk to them and tell them how you feel, but also try and understand where they are coming from and what may be causing their restricted points of view.

You can’t force your beliefs on someone else.  Or at least, it’s not a healthy way of helping people understand something. This applies to us and our blog too; we can only try and add perspective. Most people have believed the things they do, for many years. You cannot expect people to just drop their beliefs at an instant moment because of how you perceive the world. If you feel that they could be held back because of their beliefs, you have to try give them perspective. Show them material or explain your alternate views. So if you were Bobby in the example above, you would have to try and minimise their fear so that they have more faith. When they have more faith, they’ll show that positive support that you want. Bobby could show his parents an exact plan of what he wishes to do, examples of success stories, or even teachings by iconic figures that his family value, who actually encourage Bobby’s direction. For example, if they’re big followers of a certain religious figure, and that particular religious figure talks about how young adults should go after their dreams with faith, he could show his parents this as they will value what this individual is saying. This may seem absurd, but people are more likely to trust the words of someone they look up to, and consequently alter their perspective. Things that they can relate to, make a big difference.

If your loved ones still don’t really seem interested in what you have to say or show, then you may find it difficult to reason with them in other situations. You may even struggle to be around them. If you really love them though, don’t give up on them. Be strong, have faith in yourself and your ideas and learn to discard anything that you feel is making you think negative. If you’re told that you can’t do something, remind yourself that you can. The best way to tell people how they should act or think, is to show them. Lead by example. If it’s their own limited thinking which makes them so negative, do the opposite. Think without limits and do your best to be positive; show them how one should behave, even when they’re not being shown the energy that they feel they deserve. Display love, because often, those that don’t show it to you are the ones who need it the most.

Now this is the most important part of this post. We reiterate this quite a lot… Humans are just basic belief systems. Our realities are a manifestation of our beliefs. Therefore what you think, manifests, and so people will experience and attain in their life, whatever it is that their mind accepts as plausible. In saying this, if you want your loved ones to support something of yours that they don’t necessarily agree with, or react negatively to, then you need to focus on the very thought of them supporting you and being positive about it. Where your attention goes, energy flows. And where energy flows, things grow. You need to consistently focus on your loved ones accepting, supporting and being positive about your ideas. The very things you want and divert your attention to, will manifest. So think only of what you want from your loved ones. If you want your loved ones to be more positive, ask the Universe to make your loved ones more positive! Believe it, visualise it and be open to receive it. Did we hear someone say Law of Attraction?

Author: Vex King

I am the founder and owner of the Bon Vita lifestyle brand. I could give myself a title and call myself a lifestyle entrepreneur, personal mentor, writer, designer, innovator, CEO, or anything else I see as fitting. However no title can define me as an individual. I’m just an optimist, a visionary, a philanthropist and jack of many trades. I’m using my positive influence to redefine the creative industries using Good Vibes Only #GVO so that people can fulfil their dreams, purposefully, and enjoy The Good Life #TGL. My daily words of intent are to make people… Think, look & feel GOOD!

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