When you go on any kind of trip in life, one of the most important things that you can do is look after your health. While the enjoyment of travelling is something that can easily take over, it’s also something that can become pretty damn draining. If you would like to avoid such an issue, then we recommend that you do as much as you can for yourself to try and stay healthier on the go. Not sure how to go about that? We’ve got some good ideas for you below.

With each of these tips, you will be much more likely to stay healthy while travelling. Each of these simple but important tips will have a very positive impact on your quality of life, and will be much more likely to help you stay physically active, mentally fit and, most importantly, free from visits to hospitals as you travel!

1. Pace yourself

First things first – make sure that you don’t push your body beyond its limits. We all have our own limits and if you try and see everything that your destination has to offer, you are going to run out of gas pretty quickly. Take at least one or two days to just relax and to pace yourself for the challenges to come.

You might want to see every seabed and go to the highest mountain peaks on every trip, but it all has to be done at a pace you can manage. Don’t push yourself too much: you might just regret it.

2. Make small, achievable fitness goals you can stick to

Try and make sure that, as you travel, you make a point of staying fit. Instead of getting taxis and buses everywhere, walk where you can – and where it is safe. Go on some tours and some public events where you will be on your feet for a lot of the day: anything that you can do to keep up regular physical movement is going to benefit you in the long run if you wish to stay fit.

Keep this in mind, as it will do a lot to help you to make sure that you can begin to see progression and improvement in the shortest space of time.

3. Time for a digital detox?

Try and avoid spending quite so much time on the PC and the phone, too. Spend at least one day of your time travelling free from any digital equipment. This stuff has a detrimental impact on our bodies when we surround ourselves with it. When travelling, now is the time to turn off all of your digital equipment.

Instead of feeling connected to everything as you are back home, shut off for a few brief days. It’s great and helps you to really tune into the excitement involved in your trip.

4. Stay hydrated

Keep your fluid levels up as best you can. Be sure to bring lots of water with you wherever you go, and always carry a water filter with you. if you are unable to get access to water, then a filter can allow you to drink water from normally unsafe sources of water, allowing you to get a drink of water as and when you need it if you run out of conventional bottled water.

Bottles of water in your bag, though, are the most important thing that you can bring with you when you are travelling around the world.

5. Get enough sleep while travelling

We get that you might wish to make every moment of your trip count, but your body does need to rest and to properly relax. Give yourself the time that you need to adequately power back up. If you have enjoyed a long day, don’t try and over-egg it: call it a night at a decent time, and get your 7/8 hours of sleep.

If you do this, you will be much more refreshed for the challenge ahead. The change of culture, climate, and location when you are travelling is a drain on your body: don’t go beyond what you can realistically manage

6. Limit alcohol consumption

You should try and avoid drinking too much as you travel, too. While you might have the desire to try out the local stuff, be sure to do so in moderation. If you don’t, you’ll turn your whole holiday experience into a drinking competition, missing out on doing some of the culturally important and healthy things that you could be doing as you travel.

Make sure that you cut back on the amount of booze that you are drinking. If you do that, you are much more likely to come out the other side in fine fettle.

7. Make your own healthy meals

Be sure to take the time to make some meals, too. Instead of just having fast food and restaurant food every day, had to the local markets and supermarkets. Pick up some fresh produce and you can easily make something much more enjoyable than you would get if you just went for the ‘fast’ option once again. As shown in research, protein is hugely important for your overall health, so try to find some good sources.

You will find that making your own meals is going to be much more nutritious and much less likely to leave you feeling under the weather as you travel. It also helps you to stay independent and active as you travel, which can only be a good thing!

8. Take your vitamins

Lastly, don’t forget to keep your body strong and ready to handle the challenges of the day. Vitamins are essential to take as you travel, as your body will already be suffering from the constant movement and changing climates all around it.

Keep that in mind and be sure to take your vitamins as often as you can, as it’s much more likely to leave you feeling stronger and able to take on the challenges of the day to come. Keep that in mind, and your body will be much more resistant to illness and other issues that might have otherwise limited your condition.

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Author: James Adams

James Adams is a community manager at  Proteinbee.co.uk, he is passionate about website operations and learning the latest web trends.  When not working James enjoys working out at the gym and cycling.

Main image credit: unsplash.com