Marriage and physical fitness go together like peas and carrots. So, if it’s good for your marriage, wouldn’t it be good for your children, too?

Yoga isn’t just for adults. And with video tutorials, meditation playlists, and easy positions readily available online, there is no reason why your kids shouldn’t get involved in yoga. It can also help children relax, centre themselves, and even improve focus at school.

Whether your child is dealing with anxiety, stress, or is just looking to get to know themselves on a deeper level, yoga can be a blessing. Here are five simple yoga poses for kids and the best parenting tips for making yoga accessible and fun for children.

1. Bridge pose

The bridge is a fun pose to teach your kids.

Lay down on your back with your arms at your side. Set your feet so that they are your hip’s length apart. With your feet planted on the ground, begin to lift your bum off of your mat. This pose should leave your calves upright with your back and bum acting as a “bridge”. Hold this position for 10 breaths before releasing. Repeat as desired.

2. Volcano pose

One fun children’s yoga pose is the volcano. To do this pose, start with a deep squat. Begin moving your fists around one another in a circular motion as though you are a volcano rumbling up with lava. Then jump up and throw your hands into the air like your volcano is exploding. This is a great pose for reducing anger.

3. Become like a tree

This yoga pose could not be simpler for kids. This is a great pose for gaining clarity and finding balance.

To do this pose, start standing upright. Next, bring your hands in front of your chest and press them together to create a steeple. Lift up your right leg and balance the sole of your foot against your left thing. Hold the post for several seconds.

4. The oyster

For a yoga pose that is all about building a peaceful and calming atmosphere, try the oyster. This is a cute beginner’s exercise that is as much fun to do as it is to look at.

To do this pose, start by sitting cross-legged with the soles of your feet touching. Slide your arms underneath your knees and slowly lower your head between your legs. Breath in and out slowly.

5. Child’s pose

Would it really be children’s yoga if we didn’t include the child’s pose? To do this exercise, start by sitting on your legs so that your feet are under your bum. Next, stretch your arms forward so that they are above your head. Lower your forehead so that it is touching the mat beneath you. Hold for several seconds before raising yourself back up. Repeat as desired.

Parenting tips for teaching your kids yoga

Your child may not have the same passion for Yoga that you do, but that doesn’t mean they won’t learn to love it in time. Here are some quick parenting tips to keep in mind when doing yoga with your kid.

Start slow

One of the keys to making yoga work for your kids is to start out slow. Really slow. Set a timer for five minutes and get in a couple of stretches and poses. By having a set time limit for an exercise, you will prevent your child from getting bored or frustrated.

There are more than 300 known positions in asana or yoga. If your child is new to yoga exercise, there will be certain poses they will not be comfortable doing right away.

Choose easy stances to start with such as the mountain, tree, or warrior pose. This will get your little one used to what type of exercise is required for yoga.

Know the benefits

According to Public Health England figures for England and Wales, 60 per cent of children in their last year of primary school are considered to be severely obese.

While yoga is great for mental health when practised in tandem with meditation, yoga is also good for helping children to lose weight, strengthen and stretch muscles, and maintain a healthy figure.

It may sound unreal, but many children today are inundated with chronic stress and anxiety, especially if they have been through a trauma such as a parent’s divorce. The good news is that there is an easy outlet for kids that won’t cost you a thing.

Research shows that regular yoga and meditation helps relieve anxiety, depression, and the side-effects of stress.

Encourage meditation

Many people combine yoga and meditation together because both require focus and attention.

Encouraging your child to meditate can help them get to know themselves on a deeper level. It can also help them understand their emotions, be more accepting of others, and hone in on their goals in life.

Don’t expect perfection

One of the biggest tips about kids, marriage and physical fitness is this: The younger you teach your children about the benefits of yoga, the better. As they get into a regular routine of doing yoga, the more they will come to love it.

Approach yoga as a parent-child tag team. This will keep your little ones encouraged and interested, as studies show people are more likely to stay with an exercise routine if they have a partner beside them.

Focusing on simple stretches before getting into a proper workout will give your kids a chance to build up their strength little by little and prevent them from feeling overwhelmed or burnt out by yoga.

Have you noticed a difference in your mood, body, and mind after doing meditative yoga? Combining marriage and physical fitness can be highly beneficial for your spouse. Yoga and meditation can also benefit your children, boost confidence, and help them improve their school-related behaviours.

Please don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family. After all, sharing is caring.

Author: Sylvia Smith

Sylvia Smith is a writer who likes to write about relationships and how couples can revitalize their love lives in and out of the bedroom. She is currently associated with She is a big believer in living consciously and encourages couples to adopt its principles in their relationships. By taking purposeful and intentional action,  Sylvia feels any relationship or marriage can be transformed and truly enjoyed.

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