Editor's Rating

Insightful, accurate and great additional tools. One of the better Law of Attraction books currently out there.

Overall Rating

As you know, we at Bon Vita are huge advocates of the Law of Attraction. We have not only used it to manifest amazing things in our lives, we have also helped many people do the same. This Universal law is literally life-changing, but only once applied correctly.

So here’s the deal. We released a free Law of Attraction eBook that pretty much tells you everything you need to know about it, without you having to spend money. As soon as we did, a number of affiliates asked us to promote their products. This didn’t really make sense, as we’d already given the core information out via our book without charging anyone. Anyway, being passionate about the subject, we have since reviewed literally tons of different courses and books to see if they were worth recommending. However, the only one that resonated with us in terms of accuracy, originality and the way it was put together was Manifestation Miracle by Heather Matthews.

In all honesty, the sales video on the website was probably one of the most off-putting, not to mention the longest! They’ve put a lot of effort into drawing in potential buyers for their product. However, it can also drive people away as it appears to almost be a money-grabbing scheme of some sort. The sales video also continuously implies that the product is going to reveal something that no-one has ever mentioned before – in all honesty, there’s nothing new in this book which hasn’t already been addressed by other authors. What we will say though is that it does use unique names for certain concepts, and it does draw in some of the best ideas from the Law of Attraction world, so they are ALL accessible within this single package.

So why do we recommend this manual then? There are tons of Law of Attraction books and courses out there, all relaying the same information. Having gone through 100’s of different publications by different authors, we can see that there are very few people who actually know the law and other Universal concepts in depth, and can teach them well to others in an easy to understand way. Most just want to make some quick money. You could possibly say the same about Manifestation Miraclewell it’s obvious, they’re selling their package to make money. However, it’s very clear to us that the author and publication company know what they’re talking about and have put a lot of effort into it to support their customers.

When you purchase Manifestation Miracle, what you actually receive is a package; including the 159 page eBook, an audio version of the book (also broken down into small parts) and a whole series of recap videos to view after each chapter. You also get more manifestation audio recordings and a load of bonus material related to manifesting wealth, health and happiness. As you can see, you do get a lot of things, but this is what you would expect for a price of $47.

Although there are some small things that are explained from a slightly different perspective from what we’ve mentioned in our own eBook, Manifestation Miracle is pretty much in line with the information we have offered in ours. This book however provides much more detail, and we really feel that the way they’ve explained things provides amazing insight. There’s also so much support material provided, along with exercises you can do at the end of each chapter. If you struggle with using the Law of Attraction then we would definitely recommend checking out Manifestation Miracle. They provide a lot of background knowledge by going beyond the law and talking about various important concepts such as ego, destiny/purpose, self-love, etc.

These days, most Law of Attraction believers know the fundamentals to it. The difficulty is usually found in its application. We guess Manifestation Miracle really helps you paint the bigger picture around the Law of Attraction and provides the essential support you need to help you stay focused when it comes to manifestation.

Before you decide whether you would like to purchase this package or not, it is important that you learn a little about its contents, and what it has to offer you. Next, we will talk you through what you can expect from the product.

Book Structure

Part 1

The book is made up from a number of chapters, with each chapter building upon the previous ones. You also have the chance to complete some short exercises at the end of each chapter. Part one of the book takes you through the meaning of manifestation, which is something that you’re probably already familiar with, however it never hurts to remind yourself. This part of the book will help you to identify what it is that you actually want from your life, and how to tell the difference between what you want, and what you think you want. As you work through this chapter, you may be surprised at the feelings that you identify, which you manage to hide during your everyday life.

Part 2

The second part will allow you to learn who you really are, in addition to figuring out what it is that holds you back in life, and stops you from getting what you have identified as your true desires. Being yourself is something that most people think they do, but few people really achieve, and this section will help you to do this properly. Changing your attitude is key, and you will certainly be helped with this here.

Part 3

The third part of the book centres around the desire that you have for what you would like to achieve in your life. You need to be able to believe in what you want, or you will never be able to achieve it, and it is this belief that will ultimately determine your success. Being in the right frame of mind can make an incredible difference, and can help you to reach your destiny. This section of the book is probably the most important because it really outlines the essential ingredients to using the Law of Attraction effectively.

Part 4

By the time you get to part four you should find that you are feeling positive about the changes that you’re making in your life. Not only will you see a difference in yourself, but other people may be starting to notice it, too. No matter what tries to get in your way, with the lessons learned here, you should find that you are able to cope with them admirably.

Part 5

Part five is the last piece of the puzzle, concluding everything that you have read previously. You will now be able to think in a different way in order to get what you want from your life.


Not only do you have the book, but also the added extras that you receive with the package. The audio version of the book is great to listen to whilst reading. It can make things even simpler to understand than they are already. It’s also useful for those who want to access the information in the book, without having it in front of them. There are also a total of twenty-two videos that are used to recap the chapters once you have read them, which can be incredibly helpful to cement the lesson.

In addition to these, there are a number of other handy bonuses too, including extra books on things including rebooting metabolism and triggering excitement in others, and also other videos relating to manifestation techniques that you could use. The binaural beats with affirmations on them are also a fantastic bonus – they are short and can really program your subconscious mind to make manifestation more powerful.


Although we recommend Manifestation Miracle, we recognise that it’s probably not for everyone. If you’re already experiencing great results with the Law of Attraction, or you understand it very well, you don’t need to spend your money on this. Manifestation Miracle is probably more for those who are new to the subject, want more information around the law, further understanding and support when it comes to manifestation, progressive strategies, extra tools, or a package which encompasses everything in one place. We personally enjoyed the book a lot, including some of the fresh perspectives it offered.

Author: Vex King

I am the founder and owner of the Bon Vita lifestyle brand. I could give myself a title and call myself a lifestyle entrepreneur, personal mentor, writer, designer, innovator, CEO, or anything else I see as fitting. However no title can define me as an individual. I’m just an optimist, a visionary, a philanthropist and jack of many trades. I’m using my positive influence to redefine the creative industries using Good Vibes Only #GVO so that people can fulfil their dreams, purposefully, and enjoy The Good Life #TGL. My daily words of intent are to make people… Think, look & feel GOOD!

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