Do you wish you had a Genie in a bottle, or some kind of magic wand you can simply wave to get whatever you want out of life? Wouldn’t that be so awesome? Well I’ve got good news for you! Today I will show you exactly how to manifest anything you want using your magic power that you already possess. Before you go call the psychiatric ward on me, hear me out! You already have what it takes to manifest your desires. You just need to know how to do it. Unfortunately, most of us have lost that magic power along the way.

Allow me to introduce you to your new magic power: It’s called manifestation and it works on a universal law called the Law of Attraction. It can get you just about everything you want! Yes, it can get you parking spots, your dream career, or even a soul mate. You name it!

So how do you master this thing called manifestation? All you have to do is follow a few easy steps towards manifesting your dreams:

1. Silence your inner critic to find your dreams!

Have you ever watched children playing pretend? They are completely saturated with their imaginations, utterly oblivious to the realities of the world. They simply believe! Very early on in our lives, we start to realize (or convince ourselves) that certain things are just not going to happen. Children learn to hear this first from the grown-ups in their lives: their parents, teachers, relatives. After a while, those external voices become internalized and mutate into an inner voice. And then eventually, before you are even able to formulate a concrete desire, your critical mind starts balking at you. “That’s never going to work; I don’t have enough time.” “Don’t be silly!” “You can’t do that; you’ve got children!” “What will people think?” Do you get the picture? If you want to start manifesting, the very first step is to allow yourself to dream, and dream BIG. Don’t worry about being unrealistic, grandiose or irresponsible. Let yourself dream as if there are no boundaries!

2. Keep your eye on the big picture!

Once you’ve silenced that crabby inner voice, start thinking about the details of your dream. This is tricky! It’s difficult to get into the details of your dream without tuning in to your inner critic again. But this step is important! In order to manifest, you have to make it real in your mind. Imagine your desire already manifested. Imagine where, when, who, what is involved in you achieving your dream without allowing yourself to think about the “how” of it. As soon as you start thinking about how you are going to achieve this desire, you begin to restrict yourself. Once you start making a game plan, the manifesting stops because you then start sending negative, restrictive energy into the Universe. It takes discipline to allow your mind to fully visualize the end result in all of its glory, without also thinking of what you need to DO to achieve the end result! The Universe gives you what you send out. In other words, if you only think of the end result, you will get the end result. If you constantly think about how to do it, or what to do if it doesn’t work, or how to get around obstacles, you will be given obstacles.

3. Feel your dream as if it has already come true.

By now, you’ve formulated your desire, you’ve quieted your inner critic, and you’ve envisioned the end result. That’s enough, right? Wrong. You now have to allow yourself to feel the emotions of receiving that end result. Let’s say your biggest desire is to get a promotion at work. You’ve allowed yourself to admit that you want a promotion and you think you deserve it. You’ve imagined being asked to your boss’s office, imagined sitting down at his desk, imagined him or her telling you about much you’re appreciated, and telling you that they’ve decided to promote you. Now, imagine the feeling you will likely have when it really does happen. Really feel those feelings. Smile! Imagine your heart filling up with joy. It’s important to really feel it, because this will round out your projection, strengthening the energy of the desire itself.

4. Be thankful before you have something to be thankful for!

Once you have felt the happiness in your heart, you now give thanks to the Universe for receiving it. Again, you need to really feel. Have an attitude of gratitude. You need to really feel the gratitude as if your desire has already manifested.

5. Start small, aim big!

If at first it doesn’t work, try and try again! It might not work for you immediately, especially if your critical, overly cautious voice is particularly strong. But keep on trying! Believe me, you can master this. I suggest starting with relatively unimportant things like getting a parking spot. Once you see that this really does work, you will have more faith in manifesting your big dreams. The less important your goal or desire is, the less resistance your mind will have. The less resistance you have, the easier it is to manifest! The more you practice these steps, the better you will get at manifesting your desires!

“To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” – Anatole France

You can do this! You can get what you want by aligning your energy with that of the Universe. You deserve to be happy. Tell yourself that it is okay to want things. Allow yourself to have desires, and then follow these steps! Post a comment to let us know how it works for you!

If you want to know more about the Law of Attraction and manifesting your desires then feel free to download our free eBook. It contains all the necessary information you need to understand the law and use it to it’s full potential.

Also, if you enjoyed this post, feel free to share it with your friends and family. After all, sharing is caring!

Author: Kerri Cummings

Kerri is a freelance writer with a Bachelor’s Degree in German, a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA), with years of management consulting experience. She is currently in graduate school for psychology writing her Master’s thesis about mindfulness-based therapy. She was born and raised in the United States and lives in Germany. She is also a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher and regular meditator! Her interests include spirituality, yoga, health and wellness, science, mindfulness in all things, and her family. You can connect with Kerri at her mindfulness blog, on FacebookTwitter and Google+.

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