Do positive people have common lifestyle habits? Absolutely! Many of the positive people around us have very similar lifestyle habits. Although this list could be longer (or shorter), we’ve selected 20 habits that seem to be common amongst most positive people. See if there’s anything you could do from the list below, to live a more positive lifestyle:

1. Embrace positivity

This is in fact the most common, but also the most important habit. Positive people are about Good Vibes Only #GVO! They embrace positivity on all fronts, which means that they not only think positive but they don’t exhaust their energy on anything that’s not bringing them any happiness either. They distance themselves from those who are no good to them and they don’t waste their time on anything that’s going to be detrimental to their energy. Also see: 5 Simple Ways To Live A Positive Life.

2. Cherish your beauty

It’s important to recognise that you are a beautiful soul with a beautiful mind, in a beautiful body. How you perceive yourself is very important because our perception defines our reality. Positive people may understand that there are things they can work on, but they never for minute stop loving themselves, and they wouldn’t want to be anyone else either. Also see: 23 Simple Ways To Practice Self-Love and 5 Reasons Why You Should Always Be Yourself.

3. Socialise with the right people

Although sometimes it’s better to be around nobody, rather than those who drain our energy, it’s human nature for people to crave the company of others. Choosing who you spend your time with is very important. Avoid toxic people, or those that are going to have a negative influence on you. Commit your time to more positive and ambitious people. The right people will make you feel better about not only yourself, but life in general.  Also see: 5 Simple Ways To Deal With Toxic People.

4. Sleep adequately

There’s always debate over how long you should sleep for. Some will say that 8 hours is necessary, others will say 6 and some will even say 4. The perfect amount of sleep however, is when you wake up naturally and feel completely refreshed. The healthiest people amongst us also have a regular sleeping pattern; they go to sleep & wake up, on time. Those that don’t, often show negative signs in their body.

5. Drink lots of water

Forming 72% of our whole body, water is essential to the functioning of it! Water not only hydrates us, but it flushes away unwanted toxins too. When the water balance in your body falls below the necessary amount; your body will react adversely. You may be unable to focus, feel dizzy and even become unconscious. Also see: 5 Benefits Of Drinking Water First Thing In The Morning.

6. Limit junk food

Junk food can taste great! Yet it can also add on unwanted weight, and also make us look and feel sluggish. It’s important to regulate your diet and eat junk food in moderation. With so much bad content going into junk food, you may find that it can not only add on extra pounds, but also lead to disease.

7. Eat lots of vegetables

Remember when we got told to eat our greens!? Well green vegetables are a powerhouse of important nutrients and minerals, providing our body with much needed strength. With all that strength we can then push our body to its limits; physically and mentally. You’ll be much more productive, as well as healthier!

8. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise keeps us fit and healthy. It releases happy hormones which help us stay positive and feel good about ourselves. It can also clear our mind of destructive thoughts. Exercising on a consistent basis can boost your stamina, metabolic rate and even your energy levels.

9. Wake up with positive thoughts

When you live a positive lifestyle, you choose to put your focus on the good things, rather than the bad things. We live in a magnetic universe where like attracts like. So thinking good things, attracts positive things in to your physical reality. We call this the Law of Attraction. With this knowledge, it’s important to wake up with positive thoughts, even if you’ve had a bad yesterday, or even a bad dream. It’s important to recognise the blessings in your life, and be optimistic about the day ahead; what you think, has the ability to materialise.

10. Don’t smoke cigarettes

Smoking is very commonly linked to illness. Not to mention, unappealing breath. Smoking does great damage to our lungs. There have been many people who have successfully given up smoking cigarettes because they recognise that they deserve better. However, it’s important to realise that breaking the habit won’t occur over night. Withdrawing it in smaller amounts until you can completely let it go, is probably the best way to go about it.

11. Restrict alcohol consumption

Although many people are social drinkers, you’ll find that some actually form habits of drinking. As we should be aware, alcohol is damaging to our liver. Excessive amounts of alcohol, or regular consumption can lead to great damage and even cause death. Too much alcohol can also sometimes creates a false perception of things which leads us to behave in a way we wouldn’t normally – this can be damaging to our life in many ways.

12. Travel once in a while

Travelling is actually one of the best ways to de-stress; you are able to get rid of the clutter inside your body. Following the same routine day in and day out will tire your brain endlessly – we need to give our brain a break by providing change. That’s why it’s recommended that you plan trips, even if they’re small. Just so you can let your body unwind. Explore the unknown, go to new places with your friends or plan an adventure! Your mind needs a breather, a change of scenery and some excitement!

13. Make new friends

Those that are often alone, spend much of their time beating their mind up – the art of overthinking comes to mind here. This of course, causes much unwanted stress, and without having people by our side, it’s hard to unload the thoughts in our mind. That’s why it’s important to make friends wherever you go, as different people can be great companions for different situations. Some people provide different things to our lives. Some may be great at helping us work through problems, giving us new ideas or providing us with much needed laughter.

14. Work on a hobby

It’s very common for a hobby to actually be your main line of work – this is often referred to as living your dreams. However, most of us have many hobbies. It’s nice to work on a hobby outside of whatever you consider work. Just so you can relax and ease your mind. Work can be very exhausting on the mind. A hobby outside of this will allow you to de-stress and also have fun in the process!

15. Practice meditation

We’ve already mentioned how helpful meditation is many times now. It is one practice that is completely life transforming on all fronts. Once you master the art of silencing your mind and listening to your soul, you’ll gain much more clarity and peace in your life. Also see: Meditation Techniques And The Law of Attraction

16. Smile at random people

This habit might concern people because they don’t want to seem weird to strangers. However, smiling at random people gives you the chance to be the reason for someone else’s smile too. You never know how powerful that might be, especially if they’re going through a tough time. This can go such a long way; it can make them feel loved, and in return, it will nourish your soul and make you feel happier too.

17. Help random people

The more positive things you engage in, the better it is for your soul, as your soul feeds on positivity. If you want to feel great from within, then help people in whatever way you can. This doesn’t have to be with money as people always seem to think! You can literally help them with a task, sit with them for a while, or even help them revise for an exam! When you feel positive, you attract positive!

18. Let go of things

A key lifestyle habit is letting go of things that no longer serve you. That’s not just people or grudges, but also your history. Once you have learned from it, there is no need to keep revisiting it; nothing new will appear and nothing will change it. Letting go of negative energy makes room for more positive energy – it’s that simple. Also see: 10 Things You Should Give Up.

19. Read self-help books

After reading 100’s of self-help books, you’d think that you had it all figured out, and that new books would just repeat what the old books were saying. This is not the case. There’s always something new to learn, and always fresh perspectives on things. Self-help books are inspiring and motivating. They can make you feel very positive and encourage you to make the most out of your life.

20. Create your own happiness

Happiness isn’t found in people, places or things, it’s found from within. Positive people recognise this and know that they are in full control of their own happiness. They realise that happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you feel happy until you choose to be happy. Also see: Happiness Is A Choice, Not A Result.

If you have anything to add to this list, leave a comment in the section below. If you enjoyed this post, please feel free to share it with your friends and family. After all, sharing is caring!

Author: Vex King

I am the founder and owner of the Bon Vita lifestyle brand. I could give myself a title and call myself a lifestyle entrepreneur, personal mentor, writer, designer, innovator, CEO, or anything else I see as fitting. However no title can define me as an individual. I’m just an optimist, a visionary, a philanthropist and jack of many trades. I’m using my positive influence to redefine the creative industries using Good Vibes Only #GVO so that people can fulfil their dreams, purposefully, and enjoy The Good Life #TGL. My daily words of intent are to make people… Think, look & feel GOOD!

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