When we first started the Good Vibes Only (#GVO) movement, many may have thought it was just another social trend. In fact many do only see it as a trend and nothing more. They don’t really understand why it was created, or even know that we were responsible for encouraging the movement. Because of this, we have seen a number of individuals, companies and brands push the trend as their own, to increase popularity or sell merchandise. Apart from promoting the trend with the wrong intentions, the problem with this is that people will never understand the importance and the depth to the phrase, Good Vibes Only.

In short, Good Vibes Only is commonly used to describe a positive way of living, to ultimately live and achieve The Good Life (#TGL). Our brand believes that everything in your life should consist of Good Vibes Only – thus positivity being the key to living a positive life. Although this briefly describes what the phrase means, the objective today is to give you a greater insight.

It’s true that some people may not really want to understand the depth behind it. In fact we created #GVO purely to spread positivity in a simple way. Using this hashtag helps people identify and use the phrase more easily. If it is just a social trend to some, that’s completely fine too. After all, a trend is never a bad thing! However to reap the benefits from the phrase, it’s always great to understand what it really means.

Further Understanding

There’s lots of talk about “vibes” these days. Most understand vibes as feelings, or primarily energy, and those who understand it a little deeper will link it to vibration, as everything around us is made up of vibrating energy. For those of you who have read Good Vibes, Good Life, you’ll probably already understand this concept and how it ties in with the Law of Attraction, but if you haven’t, or need a recap, here it is…

We are all transmitters and receivers of vibrational frequencies. The vibrations we put out are ALWAYS pulling in stuff that’s vibrating at a similar frequency to us. Negative emotions vibrate at a lower pitch, while positive feelings such as joy and appreciation, vibrate at the highest pitch of all. Whatever frequency we emit, the same or similar frequency is drawn to us. If you send out good vibes to the Universe  say for example, feelings of joy, then the Universe will give you back more things to feel joyful about.

Below, we have attached something called an Emotional Guidance Scale. It was first introduced by Esther & Jerry Hicks (Abraham-Hicks) in their amazing book, “Ask and it is Given.” For the sake of this post, we’ve used an adapted version of the scale produced by Richard Lee McKim JrIt tells us what feelings are related to high and low vibrational states. As you can see, the feelings at the top (joy, knowledge, love, etc) are the highest states, while the ones at the bottom (fear, grief, depression, etc) are the lowest. The higher we are up the scale, the stronger our power is to manifest what we want. The lower we are, the weaker our power is to manifest what we want, and instead, we get what we don’t want.

Our aim is to be as high up the scale as possible. You can work your way up the scale, or remain at the higher vibrational states, by feeding positive things into your life and reducing the amount of negativity there is. This will help you manifest more of what you want.

Final Note

It is hoped that this post has helped you understand why it is important to be about Good Vibes Only. The energy you project, is the energy that’s sent back to you. To experience things that will make you feel good, you need to feel good right now. So it can be said that positive energy, or rather, good vibes, are essential to living The Good Life. Hence our motto, Good Vibes, Good Life!™

The easiest way to remain positive is to practice living a positive life. Embracing positive lifestyle habits will also help you remain at higher vibrational states.

Use our hashtag #GVO now to be a part of the movement and spread more positivity in the world so people can experience more positive outcomes.

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Author: Vex King

Vex King is the owner of the Bon Vita lifestyle brand. He is a Mind Coach, Lifestyle Entrepreneur and author of the book Good Vibes, Good Life. He is using his positive influence to spread Good Vibes Only #GVO so that people can fulfil their dreams, purposefully, and enjoy a greater life. You can reach him on InstagramTwitter and Facebook.

Main image credit: hercampus.com