Can you really change your future? This question gets asked a lot and we even pondered on this ourselves, for many years! We’ve come across astrologers who have quite accurately predicted events that really made us question destiny. It almost made us believe that we had no power over the future, and what was going to occur was beyond our control. Did we want to accept this? Of course not! And yet all textbook-physics that we’ve been taught from in schools, explicitly state that the genesis of the universe all began with a very much tampered theory of the big bang. However, revolutionary theories in Biocentrism would suggest otherwise, as it accounts for consciousness too. Biocentrism’s fundamental tenet is that life creates the universe, not the other way round. Even using logic alone, we can accept that everything is nothing unless we perceive it to be anything. So do we have control? Yes we do! It will make more sense throughout this post.

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.”  – Abraham Lincoln 

It seems like the creator of our universe is a mathematical genius; the geometry of all contents within it, being fine-tuned to support life on this Earth. Some of the best astrologers and mathematicians over the centuries have used their knowledge to be able to predict what influence celestial bodies have on Earth, using numbers to represent movements, positions, times and so forth.

Here’s an interesting story based on predicting the future. A friend of ours was going through a difficult time in life and decided to seek out some advice from an astrologer. The astrologer said to him that he was going through a phase that would last 21 days, where he’d experience a lot of difficulties. He told him that he’d most likely fail his exams that he was about to sit, in the following fortnight. Our friend then decided to go and see someone else, who claimed that they could predict the future by tapping into it; future life regression. This woman told my friend that he was going to fail his exams, if he carried on going about his life in the same way. He then asked her if he could change the outcome so that he passed his exams instead. She replied and told him that he could – but he would need to work really hard and change his whole attitude to a more positive one. She went on to explain that the insight she got about his future was only based on his current reality; the most likely outcome in terms of now. If she done the reading again in the next few days, after he had changed his ways, there could be a completely different result; reality is not static. Now, you’re probably thinking this is all a bit strange or make-believe kind of stuff. Nevertheless, our friend went on to work extra hard, maintain a positive attitude, visualise the result he wanted, and have the self-belief that he would pass. He actually needed over 80% to pass in all his exams because of how low he had been marked in other assignments for this course; the result of letting his circumstances affect his education. That was actually deemed as almost impossible by most of the other students, because of how difficult some of the papers were. To cut this long story short, you’ve probably guessed it, he passed with flying colours. Although he didn’t get a ridiculously high grade overall, he passed his exams with scores that seemed out of reach, to pass his course.

In the story above, it seems like our friend had built up a lot of negative energy which was consequently affecting his life. Often, a lot of these psychic-types can read this energy and even use methods to guess what kind of conditions fate might deliver to your into life, from the root of cause and effect; better known as karma. That is, the physical law that every action has a reaction. So if we’ve done things which create negative energy, then we will receive that energy back to us in the future, in some shape or form. Those that worry about having an unfair justice system should worry no longer; karma is very real and has no deadline.

Our friend in the story above was undergoing some tough conditions but they were never going to define his outcome; as we stated earlier, consciousness creates the world around it. An outcome is not certain unless we accept and believe it is, even if it seems like the most probable to others. If he had believed and accepted what the first astrologer had said, then he most probably would have failed. What my friend was able to do however, is focus on what he really wanted. Despite how unrealistic it seemed, and how tough his life was, he was able to remain positive and achieve the goal he wanted.

Think about this if you will. Imagine if we fired a cannon ball out of a cannon barrel, from one particular position and angle, with the exact same conditions each time. Using some mathematics and physics, we could calculate where the ball is going to land each time. Some may understand this as projectile motion. However, if you change anything in the slightest, such as the position, angle or even add in more air resistance (such as wind), the ball will land in a completely different place. You would have to recalculate everything to make this prediction. Similarly, if we change just one thought to a more positive one, and we really believe in it, we change our whole perception of the world – which has the power to change outcomes. You are the cannon barrel in your life and you can easily fire a ball out at a different angle or from a different height so that it lands further, just by changing your thoughts. This is something within your control.

“Change your thoughts and you change your world.” – Norman Vincent Peale

Author: Vex King

I am the founder and owner of the Bon Vita lifestyle brand. I could give myself a title and call myself a lifestyle entrepreneur, personal mentor, writer, designer, innovator, CEO, or anything else I see as fitting. However no title can define me as an individual. I’m just an optimist, a visionary, a philanthropist and jack of many trades. I’m using my positive influence to redefine the creative industries using Good Vibes Only #GVO so that people can fulfil their dreams, purposefully, and enjoy The Good Life #TGL. My daily words of intent are to make people… Think, look & feel GOOD!

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