Are you not clear about your priorities? Are you always in a rush? Do you live in a complete mess or have a chaotic work desk? Do you fall asleep at work? Don’t you have time for anything besides family and work? Or you haven’t taken a vacation in years?

These are the signs that your life is out of balance. A healthy life balance not only promotes positivity and well-being but also boosts your productivity and success as well. With a balanced life, a person can have a better focus and energy to meet their goals, an ability to take informed decision and get forward in a meaningful way.

And this is how yoga helps you achieve the positives of a balanced life…

Yoga teaches you to love your body:

“I should be a lawyer.”

“I should be the perfect dancer.”

“I should have more curves.”

“I should be beautiful.”

Admit it. Most of us are not happy the way we are. Unsatisfied ambitions or desires always possess our mind. Consequently, we start losing our inner peace which in turn affects our life balance. We forget that we are unique. Yoga calms down all these disturbing thoughts as it teaches you to accept who you are.

Yoga poses improve the quality of your body with stretches, strengthening poses and breathing. You start to appreciate your body as you experience its transition to stronger and flexible form. Another way yoga helps you fall in love with yourself is it incorporates mindfulness. Being mindful means you are aware of your body—understanding what your body needs and how it is performing. This way, it encourages you to take care of your body and treat it with the respect it deserves.

1. Yoga makes you focus on the present

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.” – Lord Buddha

Living in the present is one of the key mantras to balance your life. It frees your mind off the emotions and worries associated with the past lives. Besides, you don’t worry anymore about what’s hidden in the future. You only focus on today.

Living in the past or the future, on the other hand, not only deprives you of enjoyment today but also steals away your joy of life.

And yoga is a wonderful technique to focus on the present moment. It is all about connecting breath with motion and becoming present in mind and body. It improves concentration-focus on the alignment, the breath, and the movement. Yoga also clears your mind of any doubts and discomforts. For example, when we focus into each breath and each movement, we enhance our concentration; increase our coordination and ability to balance and even our memory.

2. Yoga helps you move on

Yoga means “to connect” or “to yoke” with your wisdom and inner self as well.

However, there must be a lot on your mind about finances, relationships, and desires. If you learn yoga, you understand better how difficult it is to perform the poses with such a clouded or racing mind.

Therefore, in order to perform well, you need to think of “letting go.” Simply put, you need to release your worries. It creates more space for becoming more involved and engaged with our inner self and wisdom.

This way, you release yourself from disturbing thoughts, grief, remorse, and desires. As a result, you learn self-kindness, compassion and valuing yourself. It develops your ability to accept the things as they are. You don’t waste your energy fighting the emotions or trauma and let them go.

3. Yoga makes you feel happy, feel positive

A positive and high-spirited attitude can make a difference. It improves your health, relationship, and chances of success. When you feel good and positive, you can think better about goals, commitments and various elements of life.

How to stay positive when most of us are being bombarded by negativity and failures?

Yoga is an answer. It is a holistic mind-body approach that removes stress and helps you stay positive. Here’s how…

  • You respond to your body and respect it.
  • Yoga boosts “happy hormones” like serotonin, GABA and oxytocin.
  • Yoga minimizes your blood pressure and cortisol, the stress hormone.
  • Yoga promotes deep focuses and breathing—which is a great stress management technique in itself.

4. Yoga builds confidence and self-esteem

Yoga also helps build a stronger connection between the mind and the body which in turn boosts confidence and self-esteem. Yoga helps practitioners stay consistent and more focused on their goals. This way, they can determine the value of the step they take towards accomplishing their goals while adopting a healthy sense of achievement and self-improvement as well.

5. Yoga promotes discipline and responsibility

How will you balance between personal and professional priorities? You are required to be disciplined and dedicated to keeping the balance between these two. It will help you avoid procrastination that is one of the major causes leading to an unbalanced life.

Yoga is also a useful tool to bring discipline in life. For example, some yoga poses are not easy and require more practice and dedication. By performing yoga, you can gain self-discipline.

I hope you have now understood how yoga can help you balance your life. It is the practice that connects you to your inner self (as I have told you before). When you feel this connection, you learn positivity, acceptance, self-discipline, and self-love. All these factors lead to one big benefit—a well-balanced life.

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Author: Nancy Wile

Hii! I’m Nancy Wile, an advanced yoga training teacher and the founder of Yoga Education Institute California. I do my best to help all my students find a sense of ease and mindfulness in each posture that they can then incorporate into other aspects of their lives. I want you to come as you are and have some fun, and know that everything you need is right there inside of you.

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