Want some easy ways to put Law of Attraction magic in your daily life?

Here are five ways to get the energy flowing your way without lifting a conscious creation finger. These amazing Law of Attraction hacks could change your life:

1. Passwords

Change your password; change your life.

Yes, a password really is that powerful.

Or it can be when you use the right ones. Read here for Mauricio’s inspiration about password manifesting.

Turn one of life’s hassles into an alignment boon by making your password a powerful affirmation of success.Manifesting money? Ask yourself what you’ll say when you log in to see a very satisfying bank balance, and turn that phrase into a password:

Manifesting money? Ask yourself what you’ll say when you log in to see a very satisfying bank balance and turn that phrase into a password:


Attracting new love? Get in alignment with:


Or maybe you’re calling in a rockin’ summer body … try it affirmation style:


Whatever you’re creating, incorporate some alignment magic by creating a password that reflects your success. Each time you type it you acclimate more and more to that reality.

2. Screensavers, backgrounds & wallpapers

If you’re like most manifesters, your vision board is either non-existent, outdated, or buried in the back of a closet.

But you can let your eyes feast on your desired results by putting your digital screens to work.

Whether it’s a phone, a tablet, a laptop, desktop or some other doohickey, you’re likely looking at some sort of electronic device every day, throughout the day. Let’s harness that un-leveraged viewing time, shall we?

Make your screen saver something that you’d like to see in real life. It’s amazing how well that works.

3. Ringtones & notifications

If you don’t already have an audio alert programmed that makes you smile or gives you a happy ear worm, let’s change that.

Receiving a call or getting a text alert is an easy opportunity to give yourself a little vibrational boost!

You could find a song that has significance to your current manifesting project, or anything that makes you feel good.

Consider Play That Funky Music for a fun vibe, a contagious baby laugh, a confidence-building I’m the Man, relaxing ocean waves, or a cash register “ka-ching!”

Programming your digital alerts is too good an opportunity to pass up! Switch as needed over time to keep the vibes high every time you get an incoming call, email or text.

4. Mirror messages

How often do you wash your hands or brush your teeth in front of that mirror?

Every occasion is a gem of a chance to amp up your vibe by posting a sticky note or writing a dry erase question on the mirror.

“Hey good lookin’!” and “Who do you love?” are my personal favorites, but experiment to find one that boosts your frequency each time you see it.

Mirror messages are easy ways to get the law of attraction working on your behalf by programming positive thoughts within.

5. Charge your beverage

If you haven’t already read about Dr. Emoto’s work with messages placed on water, do that.

Then get out a marker to write your favourite words on your water bottle or coffee mug.

Whatever energy you’d like to fill yourself with, write it on your beverage container. Love, peace, happiness, great sex – whatever you like, you can get into alignment by infusing it in your drink of choice.

It’s an easy way to get double duty from your daily beverage.

6. Greetings

We habitually ask each other, “How are you?” and “How’s it going?” but a more powerful question steers the conversation to a higher vibrational territory.

Instead of asking how they are, inquire about “What’s going right?” or “What’s the good news?”

With friends and family who know me, I answer the phone with, “Tell me the good news.” It’s a guided instruction to tune to higher vibes as our conversation begins.

In fact, even when some asks how you are, you can pretend they asked what’s going right in your world and answer accordingly.

It’s an easy way to lift the vibe of everyone in earshot!

Those are just six Law of Attraction hacks to get to automate yourself into higher alignment …

What are your easy daily habits to get Law of Attraction working in your favour without lifting a finger?

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Author: Jeannette Maw

Jeannette Maw is the Good Vibe Coach and founder of Good Vibe University.  Find more manifesting inspiration at Good Vibe Blog.

Main image credit: pexels.com