Few food types divide a room like vegetables. Everyone agrees that they are good for you, but while some people enjoy their fresh veggies, others simply do not.

This means the latter often miss out of some vital vitamins and supplements. In fact, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests the average adult needs up to 3 cups worth of vegetables a day. Yet, a recent survey concluded that the vast majority – 87% of adults do not meet this goal. With this in mind, do you need to worry about your vegetable consumption, or find a way to introduce more into your diet?

Put simply, veggies are too important to ignore! They offer a range of mineral supplements and vitamins that your body needs to function as it should. Some veggies even contain high amounts of protein, which is also vital. They are also great for snacking on, as an average vegetable will be low in carbohydrates but high in fiber.

So, why don’t people like them? Often because they do not have strong flavors and many people have a bad experience eating them. However, here are 5 ways to work around these problems and start consuming more. By finding ways to improve or change the taste and texture, you will be on your way to healthy eating in no time.

1. Try blending fruits with vegetables

Fruits often have a strong taste, as they come in both sweet and sour varieties, rather than the bland, flat taste of vegetables. As such, you can try blending a combination of both fruits and veggies to get the best of both worlds. These then provides the luxurious taste of fruits, but also the proteins and nutrients of vegetables.

If you’re looking for a quick fix, try combining kale, kiwi, spinach and green apples. This will result in a delicious green juice full of antioxidants, nutrients and other supplements that benefit your health.

2. Focus on flavor

Since one of the biggest hurdles for some people is the bland flavor of a vegetable, why not improve this directly? One of the easiest ways to do this is to pan cook them. This can be done by combining your veggies with diced garlic, olive oil, chopped onions and a touch of butter.

This will add some extra flavor, while keeping all the healthy benefits of the vegetable. It’s a quick and easy fix and you can even experiment with additional seasonings (such as ginger) to find something that suits your own personal tastes.

3. Add some dressing

While there are a handful of veggies, such as broccoli, that need to be cooked, the majority can be highly nutritious and tasty when eaten raw. If you would like to do this, one of the best things to do is to add a little dressing on the top.

This doesn’t need to be unhealthy, either. Just add apple cider vinegar, olive oil, brown sugar and some dried herbs for a quick and easy homemade dressing. Not only does this give you the benefits of the veg, it also offers a little olive oil, which is capable of lowering the chances of heart disease when eating on a regular basis.

4. Cook your protein and veggies together

A good diet always includes a few sources of protein, such as chicken, beef, pork and fish. These are commonly eaten for dinner and lunch, so why not use this opportunity to eat your veggies?

Rather than cooking them as a traditional side dish, where they retain their own dull flavor, try combining two ingredients together. You can use asparagus, for instance, to line a pan before cooking salmon in it. When complemented with a touch of olive oil and lemon juice, you can bake the fish and imbue your asparagus with the rich flavor of the fillet.

5. Learn when to steam

If you don’t like the crunchy texture of vegetables, steaming is a great way to remove this obstacle. One of the major benefits to steaming is that it doesn’t add calories during the cooking process, since you’re not adding oil or butter.

However, you need to be careful when steaming and choose the right veggies for the most benefits. Research shows that steaming the likes of kale, cabbage and broccoli on a regular, daily basis can be good for you. When steamed, these vegetables can help reduce the likelihood of cancer or heart disease.

Start enjoying your veggies!

Vegetables are an excellent source of nutrition so, if you’re looking to take care of your body, you can’t let their taste get in the way of these advantages. The tips shown here will help you work around any issues with taste or texture. Using a number of these, you can create unique and exciting meals, ensuring you don’t get bored any time soon.

Remember, of course, that a healthy diet is best accompanied by an exercise routine. The body needs to be active to stay in shape and many internal organs, such as the heart, thrive on activity. Even a quick 15 minute run 3 or 4 days a week can make a big difference!

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Author: Demmy James

Demmy James is a fitness buff, strength and conditioning specialist and content contributor with Muscle & Strength. He is constantly looking to inspire and motivate through his writings.

Main image credit: theseasonedchef.com