Living a positive life is something that we all want. Yet a lot of the time, we find it hard to do because of the difficulties and struggles life brings our way. However, we believe that there are at least 5 things you can start applying to your life right away, which will help you. It’s important to live a positive life because good vibrations attract good vibrations. This basically means that you’ll attract more positivity into your life. Your life will transform miraculously once you live a life full of good vibes. So here are our 5 simple ways to live a positive life:

1. Look for the good in everything

Do this even if you find it extremely hard. Do you see the cup as half full, or half empty? This is one of the most important habits to have when leading a positive lifestyle. If you don’t already do this, it may be difficult to begin with. When you experience an unfavourable circumstance, your initial reaction may be quite negative – and it’s completely understandable. Once you really start looking at the positive side of things, it almost becomes customary. You’ll notice that you react more positively, without having to consciously force yourself to look for the good. Most the time, bad experiences encourage change that lead to a more positive life – you can look at many things from this perspective, like when you’re dismissed from a job. We must actively accept, that everything that happens to us, happens for us, so that we can live a more prosperous life.

2. Remove all negativity from your life

Remember, it’s Good Vibes Only #GVO! You can’t expect to live TGL with bad vibes. By practising a positive lifestyle, you stay clear from anything negative, including people, places and things! If something or someone gives off a bad vibe, then you know that you need to stay clear. Energy doesn’t lie. When you accept negative energy in your life, it usually results in more negative energy; therefore it’s useless, unless you want to experience further difficulties. Positive energy however, brings about good outcomes. Surround yourself with the people and things that lift you up and make you feel good! If you have to steer clear of negative people, that’s absolutely fine. Usually, these people don’t have the best intentions for you. Removing these people from your life is a positive action and shows you respect yourself and your happiness.

3. Have an attitude of gratitude

Saying thanks and appreciating what you have can instantly lift your own energy. Too many of us focus on what we lack, but what we don’t realise is that there are many people out there that lack what we already have. Personally, when things get hard for us, we tend to think about those kids in third world countries who have no food, no water, no home and even no parents. If they had our lives, it would be a dream come true. We must constantly remind ourselves that we are blessed. Actively acknowledging your blessings will keep you pure at heart, and will help you stay grateful, even when things go wrong.

4. Look for inspiration every single day

Whether this is inspiration from people, books, articles, magazines, podcasts, videos, music or anything else! Engage with things that lift your mood up, and do it daily! If you can, dedicate a certain amount of time to this every day. You need a consistent supply of good vibes to keep you elevated and keep your mind inspired. This is also why we started this blog! We honestly don’t think we’d be as positive as we are, if wasn’t for our daily habits, such as spending at least one hour everyday reading something positive. Even small changes such as following inspirational pages on social media sites, make a big difference. Your feed will constantly show content that’s healthy for your mind and therefore will keep you focused on having an optimistic outlook.

5. Let go of what you can’t change

Sometimes we waste hours upon hours analysing and worrying about things we can’t change. Two things come to mind here. The first is the past. What’s done is done, you cannot change it and the more you dwell on it, the harder it is for you to move on. Let go and allow yourself to make the best of the future. Rethinking the past doesn’t change anything about it. The second thing is pretty much a fact; you cannot please everyone. Accept that people operate with their own beliefs and ideas. You cannot simply satisfy everyone in the world because not everyone shares the same perspectives as you. Always seek to live with good intentions and to satisfy yourself first. This is not selfish because your actions are a reflection of you, and you cannot do good, to or for others, if good is not reflected from within.

There you have it, 5 simple ways to live a positive life. What are your favourite ways to stay positive? Share them below.

Author: Vex King

I am the founder and owner of the Bon Vita lifestyle brand. I could give myself a title and call myself a lifestyle entrepreneur, personal mentor, writer, designer, innovator, CEO, or anything else I see as fitting. However no title can define me as an individual. I’m just an optimist, a visionary, a philanthropist and jack of many trades. I’m using my positive influence to redefine the creative industries using Good Vibes Only #GVO so that people can fulfil their dreams, purposefully, and enjoy The Good Life #TGL. My daily words of intent are to make people… Think, look & feel GOOD!

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