If you’re an animal lover then having a pet is a great addition to your life.

I’m a self-confessed dog lover. I love everything about them. I love their endless ability to be happy no matter what’s going on and the abundance of love they seem to dish out at every opportunity. I really think we can learn a lot from their unconditional state.

But what are the roles that animals play in our happiness? Pets, in general, can supply us with an amazing amount of happiness and here are some ways that the furry addition to your life can enhance your overall wellbeing.

1. They stop us from being lazy

Especially if you have a dog, getting outside and walking is a great benefit. Studies have shown that walking with a dog makes us walk 28% faster than if we were walking with a person resulting in dog walkers having higher fitness levels.

2. They make us healthier

Aside from keeping us active, exposure to animals at an early age can lower the risk of developing allergies. Petting animals produce a higher level of antibodies in our systems that fight off allergies later in life.

3. They help to heal us

Having a well-loved pet can lower stress levels resulting in less cardiovascular problems and lowering blood pressure caused by stress. Even people who have had heart attacks have been known to recover quicker when owning and interacting with a pet.

4. The ability to unite

Having pets diffuses tension resulting in more unification within squabbling families. People tend to laugh more and be more playful around animals and therefore creates a more harmonious environment.

5. They provide emotional benefits

It’s no secret that having a companion helps relieve loneliness and elevates our mood. Pet owners have found to be more physically fit, less lonely, suffer less from depression, are more conscientious and less preoccupied than non-pet owners. They also trigger a larger release of oxytocin which we all know is the feel-good hormone and therefore leads to a larger sense of happiness and well-being.

Any dog or cat owner can tell you how happy their pet makes them. There’s something about coming home to an excited wagging tail and the feeling of something wanting to genuinely spend time with you. There are countless benefits to having a furry friend in our life.

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Jenny Marchal

Jenny Marchal is a freelance writer. Her hobbies are breakfast, lunch and dinner although writing, travelling and exploring are her biggest passions. She likes learning all about positive psychology and writes about it over at her blog: A Life Less Ordinary – Habits For Happiness.

Main image credit: pexels.com