Whether you are an athletic type or just a couch potato; chances are back ache will hit you sooner or later. Researches show that 80% of population battle back pain and the causes vary from everyday activities we do without thinking or lack of exercise to an injured muscle or tendon. Back pain is a bane and can affect people of all ages, sometimes in the form of a minor niggle caused due to a bad posture and sometimes a debilitating pain leading to sleepless nights. The only way to prevent any type of back pain is by fostering healthier habits and strengthening the back through exercise. Below we have discussed 5 major back breakers that put your spine on risk and the ways to deal with them. Read on.

Cause 1: Lack of exercise

Although daily workouts play a key role in maintaining our overall health, most of tend to ignore our cores. Sometimes due to an extremely busy schedule and sometimes just because we are too lazy to get out of the bed early in the morning; we end up compromising our health. The failure to maintain a regular exercise routine might lead to weight gain and poor posture leading to increased back ache.


Our back, side, pelvic and buttock muscles all work together with our abs to help us stand, upright, bend, twist or rotate. This comprises of our core which supports all our movements. Core strengthening exercise can help us prevent back problems over a long run. One should include lunges, squats, planks and pilates etc in the daily workout routine as it helps to strengthen our spine supporting muscles group and prevent back ache.

Cause 2: Bad posture

Slouching not only makes us look unattractive but also leads to back, knee, shoulder and hips relate problems. Poor body posture strains our muscles and adds stress on our spine. Over a long duration of time, bad posture can also affect the anatomical characteristics of spine. Poor sleeping posture, spending too much time commuting or sitting can affect our stance and cause increased back problems.


Stretching exercises which includes shoulder rolls, back extensions, side bends or planks can help you improve your posture and achieve a lean body. Also take care of your posture while sleeping. If you are one to snooze on your tummy, make sure you use a medium mattress and a wedge pillow to keep your head in line with the spine.

Cause 3: Wear and tear

Sometimes the cause behind back pain is the injury you had last summer during a weekend basketball game with friends. It may also be due to a sprain or injury caused because of absentmindedness during daily activities. Lifting heavy objects improperly can also put pressure on your spine leading to increased back pain.


The simple way to prevent this is by strengthening the core by exercise and stretching. Exercise is the only way to chase away back aches and maintain a healthy spine.

Cause 4: Tech obsessions or desk job

Are you a screen queen, spending all day huddled to your computer or just obsessed with your smart phone? Either way you are putting your spine at risk and are more likely to suffer back problems. Sitting all day stresses are back because of poor blood supply and lack of motion.


The easiest way to prevent any long term damage is movement. Take small breaks from work, get and move around. Set up your work station properly so that your back is well supported and relaxed. Make a habit to stretch and change positions while at work. Make sure your computer screen is at eye level so that you don’t strain your neck.

Cause 5: Lifestyle

Our lifestyle also contributes greatly towards our health problems. Being a slave of fashion, smoking and limiting physical activities are some of the lifestyle habits that put our backs on risk. Sky-high stilettos can surely help you make a fashion statement but they also lead to back, knee and foot problems over time. Similarly, smoking causes the nicotine to restrict blood flow to the disc and increase the pace of degenerative changes in our body.


Altering those habits that might be affecting your back and overall health is the obvious cure to this cause. Go for shoes that fit properly and render good arch and heel support to your feet for everyday wear. Quit smoking and follow a healthy routine with nutritious diet and regular workout to avoid any back or our health related problem.

There are a myriad of causes that can cause insufferable back ache, but taking timely precautions and following a healthy lifestyle can minimize the risk and might also help you avoid the problem all together.

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Janice Cook

Janice Cook is a twenty something girl with a passion for things related to health and fitness. Being a writer, even I spend most of my time glued to my desk and as a result developed back problem. Although stretching exercises and a wedge pillow for correcting the posture helped me get rid of the pain, it got me curious and inspired at the same time to write about the various causes and cures of back problem.

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