I’m a great believer that in order to further develop one’s self you need to first expand your knowledge base. This could be in many different ways but for me reading, or audio books, is best for me to learn new topics or further develop existing ones. In order to be successful in life, and in business, you need to gain a good understanding of what could go wrong and why, as well as understanding human behaviour and so on. With this in mind I’ve comprised my list of the 15 best books for entrepreneurs (click titles to buy).

1. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Rich Dad, Poor Day is a key differentiation between gaining the right, and wrong, kind of education that can turn you into a successful entrepreneur or just another pawn in the rat race. Understanding, and building, the right kind of skills can get you set on the right path in the journey of entrepreneurship. This book really helped me to understand the concept of money and how it should be spent. It also forced me to question my belief systems and start to build a richer mindset.

2. The Lean Start-Up by Eric Ries

For me this book breaks down the walls and details of how entrepreneurs of the 21st century are using constant improvements and innovation to build totally new successful business ideas. Following previous models is no longer viable and this book is a great read for any entrepreneur wanting to form a new start up.

3. The 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss

This book really changed the game for me. Although it can be difficult to get into at times, the principles are vital for anybody wanting to spend more time living and less time in the office. One of my first business ventures was formed around a drop shipping business model as detailed in sections of this book, and had I read this at the time then maybe I would have been a little bit more knowledgeable within this area. Overall the topics covered in this book are key for every entrepreneur to understand, and to develop time & personal management.

4. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

This book really looks into the reasons why we do what we do and how we can change and form new habits. Through investigation of root causes the author is able to break down the basics of human behaviour. For every entrepreneur this is vital to form new habits and ideas.

5. The $100 Start-Up by Chris Guillebeau

Do you really need a 9-5? This is one of the many questions this book makes you ask yourself. For me this book really makes me reconsider why I want to build my own business and what it truly takes to be successful and happy. For every entrepreneur wanting to chase the money, this is a great book to gain some grounding and build a business base on the right fundamentals.

6. Think Rich, Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Although this book was written in 1937, the values are still extremely powerful today. As far as self-help books go, this one really helps you to break away from the broke/poor mindset and start building a much richer mindset. The philosophy taught in this book can be applied in several different lines of work and is a key read in my eyes for everyone; entrepreneur or not.

7. The Undercover Economist by Tim Harford

From basic economics, to business fundamentals, this book takes you through it all. Through investigating the root causes of the relationship between prices and profits, the author is able to explain in simple terms the reasons behind high prices in certain areas of the world. Although there are several opposing books out there as well, I feel this is a great introduction to economics for any entrepreneur.

8. The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber

As stated on the book cover, this is the definition of why most small businesses don’t work and what to do about it. By looking at assumptions the author is able to explain why an individual who understands the technical work of a business is not necessarily going to be successful at running that business, and the myth that most people who start small businesses are entrepreneurs.

9. Rework by David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried

This book for me is a refreshing break from the typical business book as we dive into the tools required to start any business. Today things are far simpler, and far cheaper, than in previous years, and this book really helps to break down the simplicity of building & running a business in today’s business environment. Described as the average man’s play book for business this book is great for any entrepreneur wanting to embark on the expedition into the world of business.

10. The Millionaire Fast Lane by M. J. DeMarco

For me this book really set itself apart from other books of its genre. By focusing on the route causes of wealth we are able to drill down into the right information and weed out the not so good. The title gives this book no justice, however what’s included, does. This is no happy book that focuses on your dreams and goals, instead this book focuses on action and the steps towards where you want to be. It encourages you to stop doing anything that isn’t a passion and to focus on the things you enjoy. For me it’s a great read for anyone wanting to ride the road towards prosperity.

11. The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

For me this book is very motivational compared to other books of its kind and really helps you to understand the principles towards improving your life. As far as self-help books go, this one is up there at the top of the must reads. The author goes on to explain what the compound effect is and how simple and small decisions can have positive results if guided correctly, and also how minor issues can compound towards becoming something far more major. I feel this book is key for every entrepreneur to understand the causes and effects of every action.

12. The Innovators Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen

From great ideas to even bigger failures this book looks directly at the points that cause any new technology, and business, to fail. This book explains why looking for answers in the wrong areas can backfire on any business model. For me the topics covered are key for every entrepreneur to learn and look out for.

13. The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch

This book really dives into the concepts of more for less and how to best utilize the skills of time management. Based on the counter-intuitive fact that 80% of results flow from 20% of causes, it is the guiding principle of highly effective people and organizations.

14. Start With Why by Simon Sinek

From investigating what products people buy, to what airlines they fly with, the author explains why people follow ideas and the psychology behind it. This book is a great bench mark for every entrepreneur as it questions “Why?.”

15. How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Although this book was first published in 1936, the merits that can be learnt still stand today. Much like the old saying, “You catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar,” this book leans you towards changing you behaviour and radiating the right kind of positive energy to win others over to your way of thinking. This is key for every entrepreneur to learn and will eventually breath success in the meeting rooms and so on.

If you have any other books you have read, and feel would be of benefit to anyone reading this post, please comment below. Also, if you enjoyed this post, feel free to share it with your friends and family. After all, sharing is caring!


Author: William Stokes

William Stokes is a Property Investor, Entrepreneur & Motivational Influencer. He has build several businesses, and been involved in several start-ups, giving him the a good grounding in the world of Entrepreneurship. Follow William at website.

Main image credit: medya.beu.edu.tr