Yoga is an ancient practice of health care designed for every body type, regardless of their age, gender, and body shape. But there are many myths associated with the holistic practice and one of the biggest is being flexible. Most of the people assume that only flexible people can do yoga, but in actuality, Yoga is a boon for people with a non-flexible body. It is a great way to open the muscles and become more flexible.

Here is a list of some amazing yoga poses for non-flexible people.

1. Tadasana

Stand straight with the feet together, hands beside the body, and eyes closed. Now separate the feet slightly. Breathe normally and lengthen your spine. Hold the pose for a minute or more.

2. Vrksasana

Assume the Tadasana pose and then fold your right knee pointing outward. Place the sole of the right foot on the left inner thigh. Now shift the weight on the left leg and balance the whole body. Now raise your arms upwards and join them together in a prayer pose. Hold the pose for 30-60 seconds.

3. Balasana

Sit on the knees and spread your knees slightly. Now lower down your body and sit on the hips. Make sure your hips are placed on the heels. Raise your hands upward and fold the torso. Place the forehead on the floor, hands above the head, and let your chest rest in between the knees. Hold the pose for a minute.

4. Adho Mukha Svanasana

Begin with being on your hands and knees. Keep your hands slightly ahead of the shoulders. Now lift the knees and heels off the floor and then raise your hips upward. Now slightly push back your legs and keep the head in between the arms. Hold the pose for a minute.

5. Salabhasana

Lay down flat on your stomach and then raise your arms, chest, and legs off the floor. Now shift the body weight and balance on the abdomen area and make sure your head is away from the chest and hands stretched backwards. Hold the pose for 30 seconds.

6. Sucirandhrasana

Lay straight on your back and then fold your knees. Bring them up to form a 90-degree angle with the knees pointed towards the head. Now put your right ankle over the left thigh and wrap your hand around the left thigh with fingers clasped. Hold the pose for a minute.

7. Viparita Karani

Lay flat on your back beside the wall and then slowly raise your legs upward from the hips and place against the wall. Make sure your hips touch the wall. Support your back with your hands and hold the pose for a minute.

8. Ardha Uttanasana

Be in Tadasana position and keep your hands on your hips with feet slightly apart. Now fold your torso from the hips and keep your back flat. Now place the hands on the floor. You can also use a block, table, or chair for supporting your hands. Keep your back straight and hold the pose for a minute.

9. Virabhadrasana II

Assume Tadasana pose and then spread your legs around 4-feet apart. Now keep your right foot in front of the left. Turn the right foot outward to form a 90-degree angle and the left foot inward to form a 45-degree angle. Now raise your hands up to the shoulder level and hold the pose for a minute.

10. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Lay straight on the back and then bend your knees with the feet placed flat on the floor. Now lift your back and hips upwards while supporting the body with the hands, neck, and shoulders. Hold the pose for a minute.

11. Utkatasana

Stand in Tadasana pose with feet slightly apart. Now bend your knees assuming you’re sitting on the chair. Raise your hands upwards above the head and palms facing each other. Keep the back straight and hold the pose for 20-30 seconds.

12. Bhujangasana

Lay down on your stomach with the hands placed beside the body. Now slide your hands near the shoulders and lift your torso upward. Bend your head backwards and form a slight arch in your back. Hold the pose for a minute.

With a regular practice, you can become more flexible and mobile. Practice yoga daily not only to change your body but also to transform the life.

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Author: Manmohan Singh

Manmohan Singh is a passionate Yogi, Yoga Teacher and a Traveler in India. He provides yoga teacher training in nepal, yoga teacher training in Kerala and India. He loves writing and reading the books related to yoga, health, nature and the Himalayas. His strong connection with Yoga and the Himalayas has made him organize yoga, meditation and Ayurveda tours, and retreats in the Himalayas.

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